Federated Ship Painters and
Dockers Union of Australia, Queensland
Updated December 19, 2024
Martin Timothy Secretary

Hi friends, this is the first
complete update since Windows discontinued
Microsoft Front Page in 2013, we keep it all
going to prove the union has not been abandoned,
sure we were de registered in 1993 however that
does not mean the union ceases to exist, despite
we have no industrial award and I am the only
member .. we do have an agenda to bring
prosecutions for the 1987 murders of members Ron
Chapman and Les Batkin which were instrumental
in the deregistration process.text
Earhart's plane on the reef at Nikumaroro Island in
the Republic of in the Republic of Kiribati
4°39'30.37" S Latitude, 174°32'40.23" W Longitude.

The Moorman photograph
has sniper's nests on the Grassy Knoll, with
muzzle flashes behind the picket fence left
screen. E Howard Hunt is firing Martin Luther
& Coretta King are standing to his right,
Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is behind
and to Coretta's left. |
The Badgemanť
enhancement has Dallas Cop Joe Smith firing from
behind the Rotunda wall, in company with Gordon
H Arnold, deaf mute Ed Hoffman & Wife and
Andy Warhol. |
17 yo
George W Bush was photographed in Dealey
Plaza five minutes after the shots were fired at
12:35 pm, his sire George HW Bush was also at
the scene of the killing and is widely supposed
to have fired, it seems he did also.
Link. |
![[Image: 1skj.jpg]](1skj.jpg)
In the videos Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit
Murder Witness
Warren Reynolds & JFK Assassination JD
Tippit Murder Witness
Ted Callaway, both witnesses description of
the shooter have been edited out.
Iin the video JFK Assassination Police Officer JD
Tippit Murder Witness
Aquilla Clemmons, the lady in question says
the shooter was "short and kinda heavy" which in
no way fits the description of Lee Harvey Oswald.
The latest information says Watergate co
G Gordon Liddy murdered Officer Tippit,
which absolutely fits the narrative.
Madeline McCann
was reported missing in Portugal May 3, 2007
aged under 4 yrs, she has since emerged as CP
model Miss Alli, which resonates with the
Johnny Gosch situ in the US, he allegedly
disappeared from West Des Moines, Iowa Sept.
5, 1982, there after to emerge as President
George W Bush’s gay lover White House
correspondent Jeff Gannon. |

I fell off of my
bike June 13 this year, the doctors said I
sustained a simple fracture of the humerus and
that it would be better in four weeks .. the
pain never diminished, I went back to the same
hospital June 27, they did more X Rays and said
everything was fine.
The Indian Radiographer rang me at home and said
the ER medical staff were clowns, that I had
needed emergency surgery fourteen days before,
to which end against established protocols he
had made an appointment with an Orthopedic
Surgeon for the next day.
The Orthopod did the surgery on June 30, he said
the entire shoulder joint was shattered and that
it was too late to save the joint, since the
ball end of the humerus had broken off, that it
had no blood supply for seventeen days meant it
died .. as well as fixing a metal plate he fixed
a metal ball to the humerus.
He told me I will never be able to raise my arm
to shoulder level and will not have lateral
movement .. now fifty three days on the pain
keeps me awake all night. |
Update ..
X Rays at left 1
& 2 taken post op July 1, 2016 showing
surgical staples, at right X Ray taken August
11, 2016. |


I met British
serial killer Dennis Andrew Nilsen in Brisbane
Au. in 1973 .. walking home from work at the
Evans Deaken Shipyard at Kangaroo Point, I got
to the Brunswick Hotel in New Farm at around
4:20 that afternoon.
The pub was fairly crowded, there were some ppl
I knew including an Englishman from London who
had done a bit of time, who was in company with
DAN who he introed as a former London policeman.
I said "you were a "Bobby" then" and asked if
they had known each other in Blighty, they said
they had not .. I had seen video interviews and
photos of Dennis Andrew Nilsen over a period of
yrs, without ever recognizing him. |

He looked to be
aged about halfway between the clean shaven,
dark eyed dichotomization shot taken during his
military service at top, and the Murderpedia
shot above that shows him in a collar and tie!
He was a fairly big strong boned type, and gave
the impression escaping his clutches would be
difficult, I did not much like the way he looked
at me as though I were a slab of meat, and it
was because of that and because of the shady rep
of his companion, I departed the pub a short
time later.
I only saw the other dude once after that and he
was full of sh*t .. I guess the period was after
Nilson left the Metropolitan Police in 1973, and
before he took up employment with the Civil
Service in 1974. |
Update ..

The "other dude"
was a below average height fellow named Peter
who was working as a painter, who I had met in
the pub a few times before. He was a fairly good
humored type who said he had a hard time in
prison because of his English accent, which to
the other crims sounded like the screws who were
mostly Englishmen.
The day I met
him with Dennis Nilson was a Friday, when I
went back into the pub the following Tuesday
he was there without Nilson, when I suggested
he join me he was rude .. I drank my drink and
got out of the place like I had on the
previous occasion.
Two days later on the Thursday came a news
report a man's body had been found in his New
Farm flat, I immediately thought of Peter the
rude English painter, as well I surmised he
had become a victim of his friend Dennis
The police never launched an investigation,
eventually assuring the public that since
there were no signs of forced entry, and no
suspicious marks on the deceased's body it was
a natural death.

The day I met
Dennis Nilson in the pub he came right up close
.. I knew he was an ex London Policeman, he
looked very strong and his profile suggested he
was gonna place me in a policeman's arm lock.
Which is a
wrestling move that can quickly be turned into
a sleeper hold, which will cause death if held
for long enough by an experienced assailant ..
suspect he killed his man in Brisbane in 1973,
and the rest of his victims in the same way.
Update 2, August 7,
In response to a
facetious reply to the same text on the You Tube video
Killer - Dennis Nilsen Born To Kill, which has
been removed from the i'net, I appended the following
response March 17, 2016..
This is where I'm
coming from .. Jews not Arabs perpetrated the
911 attacks .. Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for
shooting President Kennedy in Dallas Tx.
November 22, 1963, and Dallas Police Officer JD
Tippit a couple miles away around forty minutes
Despite photos show him at the doorway of the
Texas School Book Depository when the shots were
fired at the President, and when the three
tramps were marched by hours later.
The area behind the picket fence left screen of
the Moorman photo, shows the Martin Luther Kings
and Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden,
spectators as E Howard Hunt and others fire.
17 yo George W Bush was photographed in Dealey
Plaza five minutes after the shots were fired on
12:35 pm, his sire George HW Bush is also
known to have been at the scene of the killing
and is widely supposed to have fired also! |
After running into
Peter the Painter in the pub on the Tuesday
afternoon, following meeting Nilsen in his
company the Friday before.. sometime around
6:20 am the following Wednesday morning,
when I left the digs I was in at the lower end
of the New Farm peninsular in Brisbane, there
was a bus coming.
Since the fare to where I had to get off then
walk across the Story Bridge to work at the
shipyard was only 10 cents, I went aboard.
Despite it was the wrong bus which went the long
way 'round, thus very shortly I realized I could
have walked the distance as usually did in less
time .. no matter.
When the bus turned back onto Brunswick Street
and proceeded to the next stop outside the NF
Police Station, looking out the front window of
the bus.. I saw DAN walk out from Terrace Street
where PtP lived and head across Brunswick Street
to the next bus stop near the pub, I was in the
standing section of the bus which was by then
almost full.
DAN got on at the bus stop and proceeded to the
same standing section of the bus .. He
recognized me and I asked him if "he had stayed
at Peter's place" he said no, then I said "did
you get a flat up there," he said no to that as
well .. Peter's body was found inside his
Terrace Street flat the next day. |
That same year
1973, Superintendent Murphy of the Queensland
police coerced two well known thugs Ian Hamilton
and Englishman James Finch, to bomb the Whiskey
Au Go Go niteclub in Brisbane whence fifteen
Steven Goldsmith disappeared from New Farm in
Brisbane in July 2000, he was with a local
policeman one night early in the same week he
went missing - Clair @ Queensland Police Missing
Persons slammed the phone down..
The Desk Sergeants at Police HQ said "get out"
when I attempted to report the sighting, his
case appears to be ground work for future
charges Jews have been "disappeared," while
nobody gave a good G-d damn becuz they were
Queensland has a long history of stymied police
investigations .. they let him get away with it,
the ppl in the district were up in arms when
Nilson was not arrested! |


Live Martians
Pierre says, "Former PM of Australia, and
Rhodes scholar Malcolm Fraser." |
Five Prime Ministers ..

Malcolm Fraser was at no
time a Rhodes scholar ..

Bob Hawke pictured
above who followed him as PM was, as well he was
an absolute scoundrel who with another absolute
wretch in Paul Keating below, who followed him
as PM brought in Section 193 of the Australian
Industrial Relations act, whereby ninety three
out of one hundred and forty nine Australian
trade unions were de registered! |

This union was formed in 1900 to protect the
interests of workers in the maritime group of
industries. In 1993 the union was deregistered
under S 193 of The Australian Industrial
Relations Act, which requires unions with less
than 10,000 members to convince the Industrial
Commission that special circumstances exist that
justify their continued registration.
The fact that this union is the cultural and
economic heritage of generations of Australians,
was not deemed a special circumstance by the
industrial commissioner, while the campaign
waged within the organization to increase
membership was met with thuggery, violence and
murder. |

Canberra 3 May 1993 in the office of John Howard
who was to follow Keating as PM, in an interview
conducted by Tony Blair who was to become Prime
Minister of Great Britain, we tell Blair on
Howard's then Shadow Minister for Industrial
Relations behalf, of corruption murder, hijacked
union elections, and of zero response from the
police the Government and the CJC.
That we had gone through the range of resources
and options available in Queensland to have
these matters raised in the parliament, while
Bob Reed the source of much of the trouble on
the docks, was then a solicitor employed by
Wayne Goss the Labor Party Premier of
Of the Costigan Royal Commission report,
recommending Kerry Packer who was described as
Australia's richest man, be charged with murder
and importing drugs under the auspices of Word
Series Cricket, and of the National Crime
Authority stating the CJC and the NCA perform
similar functions, in that both are sham
spuriously appointed organizations.
Founded when the political allies of criminals
who were being thus exposed at the FI in
Queensland and the CRC Federally, claimed those
Inquiries were too costly, and the good work
they had done was to be taken up by those
respective organizations.
Mr Blair said Sir Peter Abells Hawke's "best
mate" was the Mr Big in Australian crime, and
assures us he will make known to Howard the
union's wish, that he take our cause up in
parliament. He gives a date on which to ring
back, when we do so he assures us he has briefed
Howard of our concerns and wishes and puts one
Click .. Howard's voice .. "I'm not talking to
him" .. clunk, dead phone, proving the bi
partisan nature of murderous corruption as it
exists in Australia at State and Federal level.

Sure conspiracy to
prevent justice in a capital case is a capital
offense .. Fraser is dead thus beyond Earthly
requital, not so Hawke, Keating and Howard the
other three Australian PM's who conspired, and
former Brit PM Tony Blair who conducted the
interview May 3, 1993! |

For failing to
adequately prosecute race killing and the
murder of Jews and trade unionists, and for
granting TerrorGrĂĽppe Kurzberg the
Celebrating Jews of 911, and the Mossad cell
in Brisbane that spawned them free passage,
announce the capital fate awaiting the
entire Australian political, policing and
news dissemination apparatus. |
Who write fictitious
accounts of
911, the
Kennedy assassination, and the
Holocaust, who avoid Jew unfriendly
material and endorse
absolute scoundrels as good guys to get
'em elected, where after they carry out the will of
Mossad Agents With New Zealand Passports
Carry Out Torture & Terror in Iraq
- Zev Barkan and Eli Cara aka Anthony David
Resnick, were principles in a Cambodian
snuff porn op, and are known to have filmed
the murder of a young man on the grounds of
Queensland University, in Brisbane Australia
in 1972.
Australian Jew Ari Ben Menashi is an
International Terrorist and Mossad Spy,
whose Canadian home was allegedly bombed
Dec 3, 2012. He is financed by George Soros,
and allegedly perpetrated Zion sponsored
massacres, at Dunblane School in Scotland,
and at Port Arthur in Tasmania in 1996..
Twenty Five Blacks Kill, Twenty Five
Blacks Die - Race killing in
Australia, Hoera Te Kooti attacked and
beaten to death by fifteen blacks Ipswich
Qld, seven blacks kill a white man playing
with his kids, black schitzo kills two white
teens Rockhampton, and a couple hundred cops
lawyers and politicos run dead.
Terrorist Alert: Mossad Spy Ilan Grapel
Was Seen in the Brisbane Suburb of New
Farm November 2, 2012 - The home
of TerrorGrĂĽppe Kurzberg the "Celebrating
Jews" of 911, part of the Mossad cell
granted free movement by generations of
Zionist sponsored goons, in the Australian
& Queensland Governments.
Australian Jew and Mossad spy Ari ben
Menashi, shot WPC Yvonne Fletcher in
London in 1984, whence Gaddafi
accepted the blame on behalf of Libya, he
allegedly bombed Flight 103 at Lockerbie
Scotland, Flight 1285 in Gander
Newfoundland, and perped the 1996 Port
Arthur Massacre in Tasmania Australia. |
Australia: Scabs in the BLF, a motion
still requires a seconder re an unfair dismissal in
1996 - Painters and Dockers Les Batkin and Ron Chapman
who was an aboriginal, were murdered in response to
their union activities in 1987, where after the
remainder of the blacks, [and the whites] in the
P&D's took off running, while the response from
other unions has been just as cool!
911 Australia: TerrorGrĂĽppe Kurzberg,
Pizza, Woodledoodledoo - For
turning from this and from the murders of
Hoera Te Kooti, Steven Goldsmith and
Katherine Schweitzer, the entire Australian
political hierarchy down to local level in
Brisbane, will be arraigned charged and
tried as capital offenders.
The Only Good Jew I Ever Met is Dead
- Katherine Schweitzer murdered Dec
2006, only she survived out of a Budapest
family of fourteen, arrested and sent to
Auschwitz in 1944 by a Jew living on her
same street in Sydney - George Soros
cataloged the possessions of Jews in
Budapest, what does he know?
Judith and Susan Mackay aged 5 & 7
yrs, Murdered in Townsville Australia,
police identified their attacker and instead
of laying charges, infiltrated him into the
union - He boasted of his crime in open
company where after anyone going to the
police, would have been turned back in to
him as an informer! |
Scabs in the BLF, Zionist sponsored
scabs & murderers were infiltrated
into Australian trade unions,
while criminals similarly in the thrall of
Zion were infiltrated into the Australian
Government, that granted TerrorGrĂĽppe
Kurzberg the Jews who filmed the 911 attacks
amid "Jewbilation," safe haven.
Steven Goldsmith disappeared in
Queensland Australia July 2000,
he was with a highly undesirable local
policeman, one evening early in the same
week he was reported missing.When I tried to
report the sighting Clair at Queensland
Police Missing Persons hung up the phone,
while the next day Dec 28, 2006, the same
day KS' body was discovered in Sydney, the
desk sergeants at Police HQ in Brisbane told
me to "get out."
Now posters are going up all over asking
You Seen Steven" .. his
disappearance appears to be ground work for
future charges Jews have been "disappeared,"
while nobody gave a good G-d damn, becuz
they were Jews! |
Jews are above the law in Australia, Abe
Saffron torched the Ghost Train a Luna Park in Sydney
killing seven school kids.. nor did one copper or
politician take him to task!
In 1982 Leslie Smith then President of
the Queensland Branch of the Painters
and Dockers Union, said Peter
Beattie then a Brisbane solicitor and
Secretary of the Australian Labor Party, who
was Queensland Premier for nine yrs until
2007, was blackmailing him under the terms
of which he had committed murder.
The alleged victim was a young woman who had
been raped by Brisbane electrician Tom Burns
in 1972, Burns was endorsed by the
Australian Labor Party shortly there after,
and as Member for Lytton, was Leader of the
Opposition in the Queensland Parliament for
much of the 1970's & 80's!
The Wlodarczyk Killing: Terror becomes
horror, Kay Chambers is dead, in
July 1994 Kay Chambers and Paul Johannsen
were extradited from Sydney, to face charges
in the Brisbane Supreme Court, re the 1975
mutilation murder of this popular and loyal
member of the Painters and Dockers Union.
In response to demands published in May and
June 1996, and to telephone inquiries re the
delay in bringing this matter to trial, a
Justice Department spokesman replied 11 July
1996, there would be no trial.
Johannsen had been released from custody
early 1996, after key prosecution witness
Chambers had committed suicide, by jumping
from a tall building in Sydney in November
1995, after being released from custody in
Brisbane a short time before.
At the July '94 extradition hearing in
Sydney, Chambers pleaded screaming to the
judge not to send her to Brisbane, shrieking
she had been shot in the head there shortly
after John Wlodarczyk's death in an attempt
to kill her, this case with the 1987 murders
of Les Batkin and Ron Chapman, was
instrumental in the de unionization of the
Australian docks. |
January 2006 an Italian Australian man was
attacked on a public street in Cronulla New South
Wales, by about eighty thugs..
Described as of "Middle Eastern" origin and
beaten to death, as with Saffron at Luna
Park and the murder of Katherine Schweitzer,
the police took no action. His attackers
posted a video on You Tube, partying with
the same security footage of the attack
playing in the background.
Wait for the day the Big screen is showing
the same footage, both of the attack and of
the party, and as each participant is
identified so will he or she be brought
forth and put to death.
Might be a couple hundred or more, hanged
legally under the capital strictures of
Australian Law, with the politicians and
police who never investigated or refused to
lay charges!Couple fat boys right up front
in the vid, watch 'em choke and die at the
same place they killed an innocent man! |

Editorial: I was
elected to the position of Secretary of the
Queensland Branch of the Painters and Dockers
Union in October 1992, following the death of
incumbent Secretary Ray Winning a short time
before, nominated and seconded by financial
members Bruce Saunders and Alec Sloan, with the
support of retired Life Member Kevin Brady.
Incumbent Union President
and Life Member John Burke, announced his
candidacy for the vacant position the next
day, two life members in incumbent VP Bob
Mason and Doug Rogers voted for Burke, all
other eligible members declined to participate
in the process .. counting my four votes to
his three I declared myself elected!
I never officially took
office insofar as the Dept. of Industrial
Relations was concerned, following the
machinations of corrupt solicitor and former
Union VP Bob Reed, and despite eight court
appearances from 1992 thru 1993, wherein on
each occasion I told the bench stand over
tactics including murder, had resulted in my
remaining the only financial member!
As well as exposing John
Kennedy assassination truth, Holocaust truth
and 911 truth as per the stories below, we
call for the prosecution of former members,
police, and politicians who conspired to
confute the election in the first place, who
remain culpable under law, for inaction in the
matter of the 1987 murders of Union Members
Leslie Batkin and Ron Chapman.
There after for the 1983
murder of a young woman, who was raped by then
Brisbane electrician Tom Burns at Lota in
1972, whereas former Union President Leslie
Smith admits he murdered her, and says Peter
Beattie who was Queensland Premier for nine
years until 2007, blackmailed him into doing
Smith is believed to have
shot Batkin dead, and to be culpable with Bob
Reed for the 1986 murder of Brisbane
restaurateur Xenophon Zervos, shot down in the
driveway of his home in the Brisbane suburb of
Holland Park.

As well we are
seeking prosecutions, regarding the
abandonment of proceedings in the matter of
the 1974 slaying of Union Member John
Wlodarczyk, in that in 1994 Paul Johannsen and
Kay Chambers were extradited from Sydney, to
face charges in the Brisbane Supreme Court.
Where after key
prosecution witness Chambers allegedly
suicided, by jumping from a tall building in
Sydney in November 1995, after being released
from custody in Brisbane a short time before,
after which the state abandoned the trial and
Johannsen was released from custody.
Former member Pat Delaney
was charged with the killing of Ron Chapman,
the prosecutor ran dead and the state
abandoned the case .. Delaney is believed
responsible for the murder of Kay Chambers.
And for the disappearance
of a young girl who was cycling to school near
North Eaton, in the Mackay district of Central
Queensland in the early 1970's, and for the
1972 disappearance of Brisbane Airwoman Gaye
Any parties that wish
to participate in the affairs of this union,
will need to get on board with this stuff,
while the dudes, crudes, scabs and dogs who
worked on in 1991, who continue to work on
in de unionized jobs on the Australian
waterfront, are reaping the rewards of
their own cowardice and indecision.
Former Union President and
VP respectively Gary Howcroft and Bob Reed,
with former Union Committee of Management
member Gary Percy, and hanger on Bob Anderson
and his undesirable scab son, are gazetted as
dogs and scabs, and remain warned not to be
near this trade union under any circumstances,
else suffer the two fisted consequences! Martin Timothy, Nov. 22, 2013.
Top Stories..
Dockers Union @ Reddit
Australia: Scabs in
the Mine Workforce Unto Management Level,
and in the Mining Union
colluded in secret plan to blacklist
3,200 building workers .. http://www.theguardian.com/business/...rkers-watchdog.

MartinTimothy 13 October 2013

Alcan Gove
Here they put scabs on the job
and into the unions .. whereas
you refuse to play their game,
you don't work!
Benny Ratahi stuck his finger up
his nose, produced a fair sized
lump of black stuff then held it
under my nose for about twenty
seconds then asked "what do you
think of that," I did not bash
him senseless as I normally
would have since it was at work,
and I did not want to be sacked!
He is a dog a coward and a scab,
with New Zealand Maori Tia
Dargaville who told me in the
crib room at lunch time, that he
thought all Aussies were cowards
and that I should "bring it on,"
brave in the company of his two
scab brothers!
Its on
alright sunshine .. I am
gonna call you out in
the mains street of
Gladstone Queensland,
with yr two brothers and
if you have the courage
to attend, I am gonna
flog yr arse
up and down the street.
And when you are
rendered incapable of
defending yrself, I am
gonna repeat the dose
to yr scab brother Peter
and yr other scab
brother .. Ratahi is
getting the same
treatment in
Karratha in Western
Whence I will back
myself for one hundred
thousand dollar$ with
any bookmaker who will
take the bet,
that I render this
wretched cannibal c---
unconscious at my
discretion, whereas I
intend to continue
to call you dogs, scabs
and cowards by name,
similarly when ever I
feel like it.
The Keppas father &
son no less .. |
Anyone who tolerates their
presence on any industrial site
world wide, or who tolerates the
presence of Martin Csertu a
filthy Hungarian scab, or of
Irish American scab Armstrong
will be regarded as scabs.
That day I had been working on
the wharf at the Alcan facility
in Gove in Australia's Northern
Territory, there was a fishing
reel and some bait lying
unattended .. I threw in then
checked back some time later, to
find the hook was still baited
and there was no fish!
A Maori dude comes up tells me
that I am out there to work not
to go fishing, "yeah righto
mate" I say, next Tony Williams
the team leader arrives with
every sign he was right p*ssed
off .. I knew I was among scabs,
thugs and dogs.

June 2005 I became one of the
union delegates on site at
Alcan Gove, and was requested
to take action in the matter
of smoking in the twin cab
work vehicles we used on site!
George Dylstra the Dutch
supervisor said smoking was ok
provided there were no non
smokers in the vehicle, I told
him I told him it was against
civil law, company policy, and
site rules.
That any departure from site
rules constituted a breach, thus
anyone sacked, reprimanded,
disciplined or served notice as
a result of smoking in a non
smoking area, had no case at
During this debate a black guy
name Jim Mow from Mackay in
Queensland, spat a big blob of
slag out of his mouth on the
ground in front of me, the next
day I cornered him in one of the
twin cab work trucks and whopped
him 'till he howled!
Reminds of another black dog
from Mackay, got sassy at
Newlands Coal Mine in Central
Queensland in 1996 ..
http://www.dockersunion.net/vb/showt...&p=330#post330 .. 'nother
Someone else said it was only
courtesy that you did not smoke
when there are non smokers in
the truck, I say that courtesy
consisted of not farting in the
truck, site rules on the other
hand were concerned with
This debate raged until October
2003, when my two workmates at
Kaefer Scaffolding Darryl
Russell and Joe Guzara turned on
me at work, Joe threatened me
with a hammer then went berserk,
frothing at the mouth and
attacking a scaffolding wedge
with the hammer!
The other turd said his mother
in law was in an old peoples
home in Port Augusta, a new wing
was being built just where her
bed was, and was he able to get
leave .. I reckon he went and
finished her off, this pr*ck
like Joe a different personality
every day.

The next day two dogs Rodney
Welsh from the Gold Coast in
Queensland, and Daniel
Macintyre from Mackay both
light up in the twin cab, I
tell them smoking is not
allowed, Macintyre said "says
I tell the Dutch supervisor his
duty of care to provide me with
a safe working place has not
been met, in which case I will
remain off site until someone in
a responsible position can
guarantee my safety.
That is still the case whereas
of November 2005, Kaefer
Scaffolding owes me the money I
would have earned under normal
working conditions, had the
safety rules on site been met,
where after I intend to return
to work at Alcan Gove
The case includes a liability
clause against Marina Williams,
who as Mining Union
representative in the Norther
Territory, both disclaimed my
case else I put it in writing,
and told me the Union had no
problem re smoking in work
vehicles on site!
I reminded her that unlawful
activity on the job is well and
truly banned by the union,
moreso after an incident that
had occurred the day before,
when another worker had gone
home ill after breathing
cigarette smoke all day!
The case will continue until
work stops at every mine and
industrial operation in
Australia, naming the Dargaville
boys, Mackintire and Welsh as
scabs, with Ratahi who stuck his
finger up his nose and Guzara,
Dylstra & Williams, with
Geoff Hoani and Dean Troughear
two more Maori scabs.
With and the other team leaders
on site, a treacherous Hungarian
scab and a Nancy Boy from
Cairns, with site Safety Officer
who stormed out of a meeting on
site, who hopped into a company
vehicle, stuck a fag into his
gob and drove off, after I had
attempted to gain his support!
All I knew about him was his
chortling and chuckling, when
he showed photographs of
deceased workmates, which are
included in incident reports
when a fatality occurs in the
Luke Kepper is another scab from
the New Zealand Maori tribe, who
persisted lighting up against
company rules day after day, if
you are in his company you are
in the company of a scab, if he
has his papa with him, who was
the dude caused trouble re the
wharf fishing episode, you are
in the company of two scabs.
Anyone works with these foul
filth, or with Dana Petri
another of the site delegates
who lit up in the cab day after
day, should still be regarded as
scabs, no less that the wogs
from Albania and the Greek
Mother's boys, who rushed in to
take Australian jobs, who stood
by mute during the entire

1996 the Builders Laborers
Federation, Australia's premier
building union was well and
truly under scab domination,
indicting Union Secretary
Simcoe, industrial Officer
Moxham, and Union Organizer
Puplett as class enemies.
Thus employed at Bell Scaffolding
in Brisbane .. the week prior to
October 1, 1996, two twin speaker
ghetto blasters were on full bore
causing excessive noise, before
start that day one reminded all
hands double speakers on the job
were banned by the union.
A Maori dude a welder on site,
said he had been driven nearly mad
day after day, one Saal says he is
the delegate and says he will ring
the union and check, some time
later during work one Moore turns
his blaster on full bore.
Claimed he wanted to be able to
hear the local DJ over the noise
of a yard forklift that had a
rooted muffler, checking back with
Saal the bug delegate, he says he
did not ring the union at all and
had telephoned Yates the yard
manager, who was on his way.
Ringing the union and speaking to
scab organizer Kerr, who became
abusive before hanging up the
telephone, then driving into union
premises to get the matter sorted
out ..
There meeting career scab and full
time dog Gary Howcroft, former
President of the Painters &
Dockers Union, whose work record
remains tainted with the 1987
murders of P&D members Ron
Chapman and Les Batkin.
And re his refusal to join the
campaign to secure just
prosecutions re numerous murders,
rapes and killings that
accompanied the 1993 de
registration of the union, who had
by then wormed his rotten way into
the offices of the similarly scab
Building Workers Industrial Union.
Howcroft the current campaign
the Dockers Union was
undertaking, requires him to
testify re his relationship with
Ron Chapman, re the last time he
saw him alive and the company he
was in.
And re the 1979 disappearance of
Docker Norm Foorde, who fell afoul
of the criminals "they" had
infiltrated into the Union, who
had taken the bait when two more
career scabs and full time police
informers, the Briggs brothers
Keith and Ian..
Disclosed insiders knowledge re a
multi million dollar bank hei$t,
in the New South Wales provincial
city of Murwillumbah, whereas
Foorde reported their progress to
the police, who turned him into
the boys who killed him!
And re his hightailing it out of
the P&D's at the time of the
1980 union election campaign,
despite the fact he was then Union
President, and was a candidate for
election to the position of
Was he in fact warned he would
necessarily be running afoul of
elements, who might kill him as
they had killed before! Howcroft
sneered and almost got through
turning his lip in contempt,
when he had to beat a hasty
retreat into the interior of a
locked office complex, MT in
Kerr arrived back on the scene,
cluck clucked at the Howcroft
chasing incident, listened to
the account of what had happened
at Bell Scaffolding and
explained Ted Puplett was the
organizer for that area and
arranged for one to meet him at
the premises of Bell
Which is where he was on
arriving back, explaining the
situation to him and being
assured in return that double
or multi speaker systems, were
indeed banned from the
workplace by the union.
Puplett's clear role then, was
to upbraid the members for
having this gear on the job,
explain the concept of bodgey
delegates who rang the boss
instead of the union was as iffy
as can be, endorse MT as new and
fair dinkum delegate, and we all
go back to work.
Instead of that Puplett tells MT
to hear Yates out, who says he
is sacked and that he had better
get off the premises or he will
have the coppers to him .. all
the while Puplett and Saal are
smirking and grinning to each
other like vicar and choirboy.

Kerr and Simcoe with Moore, Saal
the entire roll call at the
meeting on BLF premises on June
10, 1997, who remained mute in the
face of it all, are regarded as
scabs, whose presence should not
be tolerated on any site in
Australia or world wide!
Scabs on the Australian
Docks ..
Dock Brisbane Australia,
Monday July 15, 1991, a
Fijian seaman from the
British registered ship
Pacific Guardian, used a
ship's stores hoist to
complete a routine job at
the work face, that had been
begun by a dockyard crane
driver the Friday before,
who was on strike at the
behest of his union!
I was the single man who
refused to work, and was
refused support from the
other Painters and Dockers
on site Bruce Saunders and
Phil Watts, who were working
for a different contractor
with another rogue crane
driver, who had been brought
in to break the Dockyard
operators' strike!
After numerous phone calls,
whence incumbent Secretary
Ray Winning disclaimed
responsibility on the
grounds he was retired, and
to Bob Mason and John Burke
the incumbent President and
VP, both of whom rejected
their true role, and gave
the remainder of the
membership the ok to work
on, after I was sacked!
matter was raised at meeting
at the Union's rented
premises, in Adelaide St,
Brisbane City July 18, 1991,
where at not one member
stood with me in defense of
the union, nor uttered a
single word in condemnation
of the scabs.
August 1,
1991, eighteen days after
the original sacking and in
response to internal charges
I had brought against the
responsive scab parties, I
was called into the
Secretary's office, the
Previous night another
member Ken Reeves who had
remained aloof throughout
the entire proceedings..
Phoned and
said I was to be murdered in
the union rooms the
following morning, should I
be so unwise as to attend,
he told me Medicine Mick aka
scab Mick Williams was to be
my assassin. Williams and
fellow scab Des Noon had
formed a labor contracting
They had
hoped to cash in on the
Union's demise as providers
of scab labor .. that
morning Noon's white van was
parked adjacent to the fire
escape at the back of the
building, in keeping with
Reeves' warning my body was
to be conveyed out of the
building by that route and
into the van.
When I rose to attend the
summons scabby Neil Williams
turned the radio was playing
up to full volume .. Winning
told me the way forward was
to abandon the charges,
Medicine Mick advanced to my
left and was groping in his
pants for an unseen object.
John Burke
had his hand over his eyes,
Winning shrieked "you're
gonna withdraw the charges
aren't you Mick," which was
the name I usually used on
union premises, I said "sure
Ray" .. in a bank hold up
when a teller is confronted
by a felon who says he has a
weapon whether it is visible
or not.
Banks tell
their staff to hand over as
much money in as they can
get their hands on .. it is
no different in this case,
the armed assailant gets
things his way, at no time
is any activity carried out
under the duress of instant
murder as in this case,
legally binding on the
The charges against all
responsive parties were
upheld, following my
election to the position of
Union Secretary in 1992.

as Scabs: Des Noon, Mick
Williams, George Gray, Kerry Beak,
John Burke, Bob Mason, Ray Winning,
Ian Bridges, N Brinleigh Williams
& son, Les Hewen-Nicholls, Doug
Rogers and two sons, Chris Hoylan, PW
Watts, Keith Conway, Bruce Saunders, A
Redding, A Sloan, Don Burns, Mal Golik
& two sons, Joe Stella & son,
Des Youngberg & son, brothers
Bohane, Keith Conway, Jack Wilson,
Paddy Meehan, John Sheehan, Barry
Howcroft suffered two broken legs in late
October 1996, maybe he approached someone to
have M Timothy seen to, and got seen to
himself ..
Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs was in
Brisbane Australia in 1972, with a
member of the Painters and Dockers
Union, who was later murdered with his
wife on the Gold Coast hinterland, in a
crime characterized by the daughter of
the deceased couple, bringing her father
his slippers because he was cold
Martin_Timothy 15 August

Biggs will remain a "person of interest" in
this matter, until he explains his
relationship with the deceased, and his
whereabouts at the time of the killings! Pat
Shannon the Secretary of the Melbourne Branch
of the P&D's, was slain in a similarly
brutal killing in a Melbourne hotel at around
the same time, two bystanders including a 10
yo boy were also killed!

Snuff Porn
Breakthrough - Calligraphy at the scene
of the grisly 1984 slaying, of eighteen
members of the Children of the Fold
religious group at Brownsville Texas, is
by society artist Ralph Steadman - Who
with Johnny Depp and George W Bush,
hobnobbed with alleged snuff porn king
Hunter S Thompson
BigBagattelli2 13 August 2013
IMAGE: Germany
1934, The Night of the Long Knives
Massacre, the slaughter of the non
Jewish Nazis, Ernst Röhm and the SA
hierarchy, whose "street violence" was
instrumental in Adolf Hitler's accession
to the German Chancellorship, Jan 31,
1933, by the SS and the Gestapo, the
regime's secret police
The_Rat_Catcher 5 August 2013

Large File,
IMAGE: Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed
for killing President Kennedy and Cop JD
Tippit, a couple miles away around forty
minutes later, in Dallas Tx. Nov 22,
1963. Despite photos show him at the
doorway of the TSBD, when the shots were
fired, and when the three tramps were
marched by hours later! ..
TheDudeWithTude 29 July 2013

In his
new essay, Why Pay
More?, Australian
Philosopher, Peter
Singer says we should be
mocking those who spend
200 times as much for a
watch than they need to,
not praising them.
Singer should
exercise his
philosophical bent
in relation to these
very serious matters
Katherine Schweitzer
was the only survivor of a
family of fourteen Jews,
arrested then deported to
Auschwitz from Budapest in
1944, by a Jew member of
Horsha the Hungarian thug
police, who had moved onto
her same street in Sydney
Her murdered
body was found in a wheely
bin inside her high security
apartment building, December
28, 2006, four weeks after
we placed her story on an
email that went to thousands
of e addresses world wide,
including every member of
the Israeli Knesset, and
every member of both houses
of the Australian
That the
entire Australian police and
political hierarchy turned
away from the Holocaust
evidence, will be used
against them in forthcoming
criminal trials, that will
be expected to result in at
least hundreds if not
thousands of execution.
According to Alex Jones,
George Soros then in his
teen yrs "cataloged" the
possessions of Budapest
Jews deported to Auschwitz
at that time, we say he
was "hands on" in her
WW2 bomber pilot Moshe
Kaplan, who never
encountered enemy ground
fire, and never saw a single
enemy aircraft in five yrs
of flying missions over
Who claims
to be a Pharisee, said his
Amsterdam family emerged
unscathed, while the
Cheesies - his name for the
non Pharisee Jews of
Amsterdam - were indeed
gassed, he indicated they
were neither missed nor
Jews Yaron
Shmuel and Sivan & Paul
hoppin' about in glee
filming as the WTC Towers
turned to dust, were all
from the Mossad cell holed
out in Brisbane Australia.
Steven Goldsmith
disappeared in Brisbane July
2000, he was with a highly
undesirable local policeman
early in the same week he
was reported missing, Clair
at Police Missing Persons
hung up the phone, and the
desk sergeants at Police HQ
in Brisbane said "get out,"
when I tried to report the
Goldsmith's case appears
to be ground work for
future charges, Jews have
been "disappeared," while
nobody gave a good G-d
damn because they were
Mossad Agents With New
Zealand Passports Carry
Out Torture & Terror
in Iraq - Zev Barkan
and Eli Cara aka Anthony
David Resnick, were
principles in a Cambodian
snuff porn op, and are known
to have filmed the murder of
a young man on the grounds
of Queensland University, in
Brisbane Australia in 1972.
Scabs In The BLF
Second the Motion, re a 1996
unfair dismissal from a
Brisbane scaffold company -
The 1987 murders of Dockers
Les Batkin and Ron Chapman,
who was an aboriginal where
after the rest of the blacks
in the union took off
running, while his scab
brother in law got his car,
and his scab brother got his
Australian True Crime:
The Wlodarczyk Killing -
Terror becomes Horror, Kay
Chambers is dead! Grotesque
police and murderous
political corruption in
Queensland Australia.. links
to snuff porn and the
disappearance of
Daniel Moorcombe, Steven
Goldsmith and the death of
Kay Chambers.

Nukes All - At the US
Marine Base Bombing,
Beirut, Lebanon Oct
1983, in Bali Indonesia
Oct 2002, at the Alon
USA Oil Refinery, Big
Spring Tx. Feb 2008 and
on Wednesday April 17,
2013, in West, Texas!

VIDEO: A Witness At Sandy Hook Elementary
School, whose body language fails to assert
twenty two of her fellow students, and six
teachers lay dead, says things were normal until
police were on the roof, when asked if she heard
"any gunshots," the sound track becomes garbled
and lip sync disappears.
Norway Massacre False Flag
VA Tech Massacre False Flag
Fort Hood Shootings False Flag
Aurora Shooting & Columbine Massacre False Flag
It looks like there was no
shooting in Connecticut, like there were no
shootings at VA Tech, Columbine, Fort Hood, or
in Norway where Anders Behring Breivik is
alleged to have killed seventy seven ppl, that
the Canada Greenberg op holed up in Colorado,
stage managed the whole affair??

Image File: The Five Faces of Treachery,
dude is backstage waiting for the directors
cue, shares a joke before composing himself,
changing personalities, and delivering an
oration supposedly on behalf of his allegedly
slain six yo daughter -
Additional testimony the whole shooting
tableau was staged.
Despite the
bomber flights shopped onto this pic,
American anti aircraft gunners on Diamond
Head, said there were no enemy aircraft at
Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 - Source:
MovieTone News, in a clip that appeared to
have been filmed on location the same day,
that was included in the first cut of 911
hit piece
Loose Change!

Despite the
smoke and the sunken ship, the body language
of sailors shootin' the breeze, and others
just getting on with their business, in no
way indicates an attack by a hostile foreign
power had taken place!

Army Air Field, December 7, 1941 Smoke
coming from planes on a row of undamaged
aircraft, upwind of a conflagration of other
burning planes, and no blast damage or bomb
craters anywhere, says the aircraft were
deliberately set alight at ground level.
No one is at action stations in
this shot , despite the undamaged
battleship should be an obvious target for
enemy bombers, while spectators wandering
around, fails to assert a force of some
hundreds of enemy planes is at large!

One aircraft in this pic, no one
appears to be too concerned, spectators are
cramming every vantage point on an as yet
undamaged vessel, surely if an attack were
underway it would be the last place to be!
Officially Beginning at 0600
hours, the first wave of 183 fighters
and torpedo bombers struck at the fleet
in Pearl Harbor, and the airfields in
Hickam, Kaneohe and Ewa.
The second strike
launched at 0715 hours consisted of
167 aircraft, which struck at the same
targets, at 0753 hours the next wave
consisting of 40 Nakajima B5N2 Kate"
torpedo bombers, 51 Aichi D3A1 "Val"
dive bombers, 50 high Altitude
bombers, and 43 Zeros, struck at
airfields and at Pearl Harbor.
USA : 218 KIA, 364 WIA.
USN: 2,008 KIA, 710 WIA.
USMC: 109 KIA, 69 WIA.
Civilians: 68 KIA, 35 WIA.
TOTAL: 2,403 KIA, 1,178 WIA.
USS Arizona (BB-39) - total loss when a
bomb hit her magazine.
USS Oklahoma (BB-37) - Total loss when
she capsized and sunk in the harbor.
USS California (BB-44) - Sunk at her
berth. Later raised and repaired.
USS West Virginia (BB-48) - Sunk at her
berth. Later raised and repaired.
USS Nevada - (BB-36) Beached to prevent
sinking. Later repaired.
USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) - Light damage.
USS Maryland (BB-46) - Light damage.
USS Tennessee (BB-43) Light damage.
USS Utah (AG-16) - (former battleship
used as a target) - Sunk.
USS New Orleans (CA-32) - Light Damage..
USS San Francisco (CA-38) - Light
USS Detroit (CL-8) - Light Damage.
USS Raleigh (CL-7) - Heavily damaged but
USS Helena (CL-50) - Light Damage.
USS Honolulu (CL-48) - Light Damage..
USS Downes (DD-375) - Destroyed. Parts
USS Cassin - (DD-372) Destroyed. Parts
USS Shaw (DD-373) - Very heavy damage.
USS Helm (DD-388) - Light Damage.
USS Ogala (CM-4) - Sunk but later raised
and repaired.
Seaplane Tender
USS Curtiss (AV-4) - Severely damaged
but later repaired.
Repair Ship
USS Vestal (AR-4) - Severely damaged but
later repaired.
Harbor Tug
USS Sotoyomo (YT-9) - Sunk but later
raised and repaired.
188 Aircraft destroyed (92 USN and 92
U.S Army Air Corps.) |
F*** the Irish

85 Irish Traitors Hanged in New
Mexico 1846 - They deserted
General Taylor’s command to
join Santa Anna in Mexico, then
went back into Texas, and slew
eleven of their former comrades
north of the Rio Grande - I
imagine I am the hangman and I'm
hangin' the Irish scabs, who
cost me my job in Australia..
calls 'em puke birds .. the Irish
scabs were infiltrated into the
Dockers Union in Australia, and
Irish scabs at sea, in mining, and
in the building construction
industry ..
The next Big event
in Irish history must be the
hangin' of the Wild Geese, the
filth dog Irish mercenaries in the
pay of Zion, who go about killing
and slaughtering in Africa!
Oi there Paddy, the best you
ever seen
Hangin' day is a'commin',
be sure to be wearin' green
Irish mothers keenin', as
their sons bodies kick and jerk
Then the filthy c*nts,
who scabbed on me at work
85 Irish Traitors Hanged - New
Mexico Territory 1846 ..
When I get the blues and when I
am walkin'
Holes in my shoes and
nobody talkin'
I think of hangin' day in
New Mexico, and mentally hang
The paddyscabs in
Australian industry one after
the other
Ulsterman scaffolder in
Brisbane Australia scab in the
BLF 1996, Irish boy played All
American Baseball scab in Gove
2005, Irish scabs cost me my job
in Western Australia in 2004, in
the building construction
industry in 1998, on the docks
and in Queensland Coal Mining in
the Ulsterman chokes and dies
I drink beer, like he did
after I was sacked for
standing up for my rights at
work, when I stretch the
baseball boys neck, I
scream die you paddy filth
when I hang paddy Irishmen
scab dockers, I scream at them
to dance on air, like they
worked on, after I was sacked
for refusing to work with
scabs, did a striking crane
drivers job!
I intend to scream derision at
the Jews perped the 911
attacks, the ones were
screaming hoppin' about in
glee, filming as the WTC
Towers turned to dust .. all
from Brisbane Australia!
911 Australia -
TerrorGrĂĽppe Kurzberg -
Pizza - Woodledoodledoo
scabs were prominent on the
docks, despite other valiant
Irish Painters and Dockers,
remained true to the union
cause, were murdered for their
role in Australian trade union
Scabs on the Docks!
scabs in the coal mine were
stirred into pure Irish
hatred, I condemned an
Irishman killed two of our ppl
on operations in Vietnam, when
military discipline had been
replaced by the clique system.
fired without warning in the
middle of the night, sending
two men home dead, and told us
on daybreak that "if we had
any more he would kill them
too," I told the sonofabich he
could look forward to a trip
to the gallows, with his dog
chicken shit mates!
MT in Vietnam
mates turned on me at
Gordonstone Coal Mine, and I
lost my job .. don't trust the
Irish, yet trade union men of
Irish descent who stayed loyal
to the union, were murdered in
Melbourne and Brisbane, goes
to show there are some raisins
in the dough after all!
Honor Roll Painters And
Dockers Union, Queensland
BBC News - IRA supergrass
Raymond Gilmour
'abandoned' by MI5
maintain a website and a forum, Federated
Ship Painters and Dockers Union of
Australia, Queensland Branch,
& Dockers Union
The union was de
registered in 1993, I have been a
member since 1972, during which period
numerous of our members have been
murdered, in the Melbourne Branch and
in Queensland!
I won the election for the position of
Union Secretary in 1992, on an anti
corruption ticket, where after the
incumbency I was elected to replace,
simply refused to vacate the office,
all of my support vanished, and I went
on alone!
The reason I use Painters and Dockers
letterhead on all of my posts, is so
no one can come along and say the
union was abandoned, there after to re
institute it on his terms .. in 1972
the Secretary of the Victorian Branch,
was shot dead in Melbourne, with two
other ppl including a ten yo
"Wocker the Docker" O'Connor, was
murdered in Brisbane in 1972, and
another member from Melbourne, who had
like him transferred to the Brisbane
Branch, was murdered with his wife in
Queensland the same year.
Member John Wlodarczyk
was murdered in Brisbane in 1974,
while two other members Les Batkin and
Ron Chapman, were murdered within days
of each other in 1987, during the
height of debate re the future of the
operation. Honour
Roll Painters And Dockers Union,
Queensland Branch
In response to the Australian
Government's legislation, providing de
registration to unions with less that
10,000 members .. I keep beating the
union drum, bearing in mind it has
been a one man operation since 1993,
insofar as hostile elements covet my
position, as head of the Australian
Dockers Union!
I make it plain to them, the union's
policy, is to have all ppl who harmed
our members and committed murder,
prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law, if ppl want to get on board
with that, fine, else GTFO!
Including allegations, the then
Secretary of the Australian Labor
Party, who was Premier of Queensland
for nine yrs until 2007, was
blackmailing one of our members, who
murdered a young woman at his behest
in 1982.
She was raped in 1972
at age 13, by a Brisbane electrician,
who was endorsed shortly thereafter by
the Labor Party, and as Member for
Lytton, became Leader of the
Opposition in the Queensland
Maybe she was "making noises," after
another Queensland politician, Member
for Capricornia in the Federal
Parliament, and former Leader of the
Opposition in Queensland, had been
sentenced to twelve yrs jail, for
raping a twelve yo girl.
Martin Timothy @ Reddit
JFK Assassination

John Fitzgerald Kennedy the
35th President of the United States, was
shot dead in broad daylight in the company
of his beautiful wife, 22 November 1963, in
Dallas Texas.

Jim Braden is thought to have
fired the first shot, from the roof of the
Dal Tex Building across Houston Street from
the TSBD, he was taken in by a Sheriffs
Deputy before being released.

Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed
for killing the President and Dallas Police
Officer JD Tippit, a couple miles away
around forty minutes later, despite photos
show him at the doorway of the Texas School
Book Depository, when the shots were fired
in the first instance, and when the three
tramps were marched by hours later!

The Moorman shot has snipers
nests on the Grassy Knoll, and muzzle
flashes behind the picket fence left
screen, with E Howard Hunt firing, Martin
Luther & Coretta King to his right,
Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is
behind and to Coretta’s left.
“Badgeman” enhancement in the montage
top right, has Dallas Policeman Joe Smith
firing from behind the rotunda wall, with
Gordon H Arnold, an unidentified bald guy,
and deaf mute Ed Hoffman & wife!

Update: The
"unidentified bald guy" is Andy Warhol.

William F Buckley was
"Umbrella Man," who signaled the shooters
all systems were go, his accomplice is
believed to be Corsican adventurer Lucien

As the limousine emerged
from behind the freeway sign, the driver
William Greer turned and looked over his
right shoulder, he turned back and while
holding the steering wheel with his left
Retrieved something from under the dash with
his right hand, he transferred the object to
his left hand, and turning back around to
look at the President, brought his left hand
around his body and aimed and fired at John
Kennedy’s head!

The Three Tramps were E
Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, Charles
Harrelson father of television actor Woody
Harrelson, and Charles Frederick Rogers,
wanted in Houston TX, for killing and
dismembering both his parents in 1965!

Ted Gunderson
was FBI Bureau Chief in Dallas when
President K was murdered, after the shooting
he was filmed in possession of one of two
rifles, on the sixth floor of the TSBD, he
was in Memphis when Martin Luther King was
shot, and in Los Angeles when Senator
Robert Kennedy was slain.
He was part
of the Franklin Case cover up, that goes
back nearly thirty years, whence Rusty
Nelson testified Hunter S Thompson paid
him $100,000 a time, to film snuff
killings to the tune of around fifty dead.
Problems at the Dentist :(
Bit on a piece of coconut,
there was some shell embedded and my tooth
broke ..

That was
Friday .. on Monday I went to the dentist
at Fortitude Valley Center, he took an
X-Ray and, after I went crook at the rude
manners of the broad at the desk, told me
there was nuthin' he could do!

Went to the next place off
James Street in the Valley, some dude in
bathroom slippers was fixin' Christmas
decorations, there was a stack of costumed
mannequins, and some broad comes out with a
forty spot questionnaire she says I should
fill out - I got out of the joint damn

Down the road a bit to
Sparkle Dental, his sexpot babes were full
of sh*t before, however the bloke at Calm
Dental at the other end of the street, a Mr
Gratsky, had faked his own death in a
bizarre attempt to claim life insurance, so
I did not want to go back there!

Back to Sparkle then, some
dame behind the jump put me thru an
interrogation, whereas I told her to get a
girl friend and departed .. the other
option, John Stamatiou at the Merthyr Center
went bad when some broad, I call her Miss
Saigon, used barnyard manners and
Stalinesque interrogation procedures..
Never the
less my teeth required attention so I went
back, telling the counter staff all about
it, whereas JS appeared and conducted a
preliminary examination, he said metal
inserts would cost either 1400 or 1600
dollar$, whereas the Department of Vets
Affairs would pay for the routine work!
I agreed and after he made the templates I
paid him $1600, while signing the DVA form
in two places, he gave me an appointment
for ten days hence, where after he fitted
the metal and completed some other routine
work, I signed a new DVA form in about six
or seven places .. we parted friends!
Yesterday 22 March 2012, even as I was
contemplating requesting another
appointment, since a sharp piece on his
metal inserts is catching on things ..
whence a bill arrived for some over seven
hundred dollars, ringing his ppl and
assuring them that I am not gonna pay,
hung up on and ringing back ..
Well I am
gonna ring John Stamatiou this mornin' 23
March 2012, and tell him all about it then
report back here.. |
Report 1 .. Ringing
again, the same dame who sent me the bill, who
hung up on me yesterday, said I should "not
worry about it," and that Stamatiou would not be
back until, "sometime next week.." I replied
that he must explain the whole manner and
By which he sent me
a demand for money, and that I would under no
circumstances, be placing my person in any place
whence he has access to syringes, or other sharp
objects, which would be necessary were he to
file the sharp part of the metal filling
Report 2
A couple hrs after
putting the same post on a few websites world
wide, the police arrived in response to a
complaint, that I had made threatening phone
calls to a Dentist .. I told them the story,
whereas the policeman told me I was under
arrest, and handcuffed me behind my back!
They took me into the street, and my neighbors
of twenty seven yrs looked on, as they frisked
me then took me away .. arriving in the Valley
at the corner of Brunswick and Ann Streets ..
see the map .. one of the busiest intersections
in Queensland!
Where upon both police left the vehicle
stationary at the traffic lights, and took off
running, before crash tackling a member of the
public to the pavement, outside the pub on the
corner .. About half an hour later, after
calling for reinforcements, and causing the
traffic to back up all the way to New Farm!
They returned to the vehicle and drove on to the
Watch House, there to be fingerprinted,
photographed, and released after five and a half
hrs in custody .. I have to be in court 10 April
2012, and must be no closer than 50 meters from
the dental surgery, and am not to attempt to
contact their ppl in any way..
Report 3 ..
After attending court 2 May 2012, the same
policeman who arrested me in March came to
the door 30 May, and told me the Dentist
had withdrawn the charges, and that the
matter is closed .. ho hum :) |
Blacks with second
hand shoes in Canberra and in Brisbane Australia
See the shot of an aboriginal
woman with a shoe .. brings to mind video of
an aboriginal youth hurrying thru evening
shoppers, clutching a pair of used sneakers,
he had taken them from the body of a
sleeping white man, he and another black had
attacked and killed.
He never went to court, his companion got
two years. I intend to pursue a capital case
against both black assailants, and the
lawyers, judges and politicians who
prevented justice, the same ones indeed who
perverted justice at every level, re the
murder of Hoera te Kooti.

The murder of Katherine Schweitzer - Jews sent her
& her family to Auschwitz .. We have similar
cases against white killers, with police and
politicians, not least for the murders of Jews
Steven Goldsmith & Katherine Schweitzer.

Snuff Porn in Brisbane Australia .. For snuff porn
shot on the bank of the Brisbane River, on the
grounds of Queensland University..

911 Australia - TerrorGrĂĽppe Kurzberg - Pizza -
Woodledoodledoo .. While presenting solid
evidence, that Brisbane is a center for
international terrorism!
As for blacks..

Click the link, it shows
Martin Luther and Coretta King, in a snipers
nest Dallas Texas 22 November 1963, at the
killing of President John Fitzgerald
Kennedy, Mrs Kennedy had invited them both
into her home, just weeks before, which
proves the folly of treating blacks like
human beings - they act like animals, and
that by God is how I treat them read on..
Blacks in a group fifteen strong,
attacked and beat to death Hoera Te
Kooti a sixty two year old local
man, the whole incident was recorded
on security video, one only went to
court who was acquitted, after fancy
pants lawyers prevented the jury
from seeing the footage, with black
hands going thru the dying man's
pockets. |
Not long after
this, at the local taxi rank a group of five
blacks jump the queue, and the sh*t hits the
fan, one female gets in front, another comes
up on my right, another my rear, and two a
man and a woman cut me off from the left,
from the right, "look at this **** ...
thinks he's white,"
I am in fact mixed race .. she is screaming
filth to my front, while two close in from
the left .. just then a police vehicle pulls
up opposite, and they melt into the night ..
they were from the same gang that murdered
Mr Te Kooti, who was of the sea faring Moldi
people of New Zealand.
Christmas day 2007, blacks numbering seven
strong attacked and killed a white
Australian man, playing sand lot cricket
with his kids .. the whole thing hushed up.
Rockhampton Queensland 2002, black boy calls
at white household wants to meet white
teens, bludgeons both to death .. his prior
schizophrenia was quoted, when the
government announced there would be no
April 2007, the body of Rene Peter Ulz was
found on inaccessible private property, at
the bottom of high cliffs at the Brisbane
suburb of New Farm, darkies frequent that
place, and it is common for them to throw
white people from the cliff tops.
New Year 2006, security camera footage shows
a gang of thugs, variously described as of
Middle Eastern origin, numbering about
eighty strong, converge upon and batter to
death an Italian Australian man, on a public
thoroughfare in the Sydney suburb of
Cronulla .. they posted a video on You Tube,
with themselves partying, while the security
video was playing in the background.
I am gonna hang 'em, and I despise blacks
for not decrying the Luther Kings treachery,
brings to mind the false Moslems, bleating
about alleged discrimination for the outrage
of 911, which is Ziomossad propaganda, that
tacitly accepts the Zionist line that OBL
did it, when it was Jews!
Ron Chapman an
aboriginal Painter & Docker in Brisbane,
was beaten then thrust to his death, from
the upper floor balcony of flats, in the
Brisbane suburb of Kangaroo Point, his is
only one of maybe some hundreds of murders,
that accompanied the 1993 de registration of
the union!
The entire
aboriginal delegation of some dozens of
members, including Frank Currie, who
tossed his head when I saw him at a
funeral, after I was reported as a "Union
Grass" in a Sunday newspaper, when I went
to the police, in relation to Chapman's
and numerous other murders.
His sons Basil and Russell, took off
runnin' at the suggestion that they should
join the campaign, to seek justice in
relation to all these matters, Ken Currie
stared from a distance, then slunk away
like a dog with his tail between his legs,
while I was handing out flyers, in a
public square in Brisbane, that similarly
had details of what went on in the union!
Bob Anderson who claims to be an
aboriginal "elder," when he is nuthin' but
a chicken livered scab, and his loathsome
son Paul, who had abandoned his trade as a
plumber, to gain unionized employment on
the docks, whose racism is legion, took
off runnin'.
personal pleas that both join the
campaign .. both re the killings, and in
response to the proposed deregistration
of the union, Chapman's entire family,
encompassing the Burns clan, father sons
and nephews, took off runnin', while Don
Burns appropriated the murdered man's
car, and Chapman's brother took his, by
then de unionized job as a scab!
Clapton's BS story re
the death of his son Conor!
Eric Clapton's four year old
son, Conor allegedly fell 53 floors to his
death, through the open window of a New York
skyscraper at 11:10 am, 20 March 1991.

The official
story: The apartment block janitor was in
the apartment cleaning.. the glass was about
4ft by 6ft tall .. janitor swung it open to
let in some fresh air, Conor ran straight
through the window .. Eric arrived five
minutes later.

Eric Clapton tells this tragic story in his
book, "Clapton" .. He was at his apartment
in NY, and as he was getting ready to walk
over to Lori's apartment, to pick she and
Conor up for a trip to the Zoo and out to
eat, his phone rang around 11 AM.
It was
Lori and she was hysterical. She told
him that Conor was dead. Eric at first
was in complete shock and disbelief,
even asking her, "Are you sure?!" She
then told him that Conor had fallen
out of the window, 53 stories up,
plunging to his death.
When Eric
arrived, this is what he said, and I
quote: .. "By talking to the police and
the doctors, I established what had
happened without even having to go into
the room. The main sitting room had
windows along one side that went from
floor to ceiling, and they could be tilted
open for cleaning.
There were no window guards, however,
since the building was a condominium and
escaped the normal building regulations.
On this morning the JANITOR was cleaning
the windows and had temporarily left them
Conor was racing about the apartment
playing a game of hide-and-seek with his
nanny, and while Lori was distracted by
the janitor's warning her about the
danger, he simply ran into the room and
straight out the window. He then fell 49
floors before landing on the roof of an
adjacent four-story building." -Clapton
Bullsh*t ..
the windows on tower apartment blocks do
not swing open .. the absence of
statements from the nanny, and the alleged
janitor, both of whom were allegedly on
the scene, and shots of the window that
was allegedly left open, and details of
wherefrom on the building, the deceased is
alleged to have fallen, means the case
must remain open! |
Full size image
http://streeteasy.com/nyc/building/the-galleria The Galleria, 117 E
57th Street, in Midtown Manhattan - 57 stories,
built in 1975, the Sky Terrace Lounge on the
55th floor provides breathtaking views of
Central Park.

Postulate that the group of
ppl, on the roof of the Daughters of
Cincinnati building, formerly the New York
Genealogical and Biographical Society
library, at 122 East 58th Street, are
gathered around the body of the deceased, in
a place directly below the observation deck
of the Galleria tower!
Television and newspaper reports, in
Brisbane Australia on the evening of
20 March 1991, said Eric Clapton had
taken his son Conor to the Zoo in
New York, then the next morning that
Conor had plunged to his death,
while that evening's news said EC
was being held in custody, and that
he had sought legal advice. |
http://forum.davidicke.com/showthrea...=137582&page=7 .. David
Icke in a forum thread, says ritual murder among
show business ppl is in epidemic proportions,
and that Conor's death is part of it all!

News on the evening of 11
September 2001, said Lleyton Hewitt who had
won the US Tennis Open, at Flushing Meadow
in NY the day before, would be visiting the
World Trade Center .. which was as of that
time in Australia, less than five hours from

Two yrs ago I told Nicole Isbel my
landlady, that the sewer line that services my
apartment in Crase St Teneriffe, a Brisbane suburb
was blocked by the roots of a tree .. weeks ago a
big pool of liquid sewerage under the house, and
problems with the toilet.
I rang her again .. she was rude like a pig, she
is a high profile doctor - she said she was gonna
get tree loppers to remove all the trees around
the house, in response to my protest, she said she
was "the landlord," and it remained her
prerogative to do as she wished.
I tell this broad that she will remain the
landlady, until she has a dick attached to her low
abdomen .. and a lezzo strap on don't count .. she
grunted like a fuggin' pig, and hung up the phone!

Needing a court order to prevent the destruction of
the trees, one James Murphy at Q Solicitors located
nearby in Teneriffe, heard me out and assured me that
it was entirely doable, however he declined to accept
the case, on the grounds that he was too busy, and
refused to let me deposit $10,000 into his
professional account.

I told him that he was proby my only hope, and that
the chainsaws were to be here later that morning, so
time was of the essence, that the other local
solicitor, one Peter Shields, was a former Homicide
Squad detective, who we had contacted in 1994, re
murder and mayhem on the docks, see news clipping
That after detailing a summary of the evidence, and
putting it onto a handwritten deposition, sent by mail
to Brisbane Homicide, that the same Peter Beattie /
Les Smith faction, that had in 1982, murdered the
woman who said Tom Burns, Leader of the Opposition in
the Queensland Parliament, had raped her in 1973, that
had murdered Xenophon Zervos in 1986, and Les Batkin
in 1987.
Was making death threats, in response to my activities
as a member of the Painters and Dockers Union ..
Shields replied over the phone, "..so you're the one
who has been writing us letters," he made some kinda
honk, grunting noise and was gone from the phone
.. he will be arraigned on charges of corruption
as a police officer - yeah hangin' corruption!

That Steven Goldsmith was a Jew, who lived a little
further away in Sydney Street New Farm, who
disappeared in July 2000, while the police at
Queensland Police Missing Persons, had hung up the
phone, and the two sergeants at the desk at Police HQ
in Brisbane, told me to "get out," after I went there
to report a sighting, of Goldsmith with a policeman
who was a regular at the local gym, on the night he

In response to demands this journal published,
in May and June 1996, and to telephone inquiries
re the delay in bringing this matter to trial, a
Justice Department spokesman replied 11 July
1996, there would be no trial, Johannsen had
been released from custody early 1996. After key
prosecution witness Chambers who had been
released from custody in Brisbane a short time
before, committed suicide by jumping from a tall
building in Sydney, November 1995. |
That Painter and Docker John
Wlodarczyk, had been murdered at premises a little
further along Sydney Street, whence Kay Chambers, who
was remanded in custody for the same crime, was released
from prison and "suicided," in Sydney shortly
thereafter, whence her fellow accused Stretch Johannsen
was released!
That Peter Beattie, who served nine yrs as Queensland
Premier, was the only one with sufficient authority to
have her released, and that former P&D's Union
President Les Smith, admitted that Beattie was
blackmailing him, under the conditions of which he had
committed murder!
Australian Jews and 911 ..
Yaron Shmuel and Sivan & Paul
Kurzberg, who rose to prominence after
being arrested in New York on 911 filming
the attack, in their words to "document
the event," had all been residents of
Brisbane Australia!

Shmuel had been a regular sight in the New
Farm shopping precinct thru most of the
1990's, while the Kurzberg boys moved into
Heal Street NF at around the same time,
precocious teenagers on bikes .. see if
they are so precocious when I get 'em onto
the gallows!
I told him that it was
particularly important, since the Jews who have
infiltrated New Farm, whence came the famous
"celebrating Israelis" of 911, who had arranged
Goldsmith's murder, who were going to use the inaction
of the same Queensland Police, to take the law into
their own hands, and arrest the entire conspiracy,
then hang the lot under their version of revolution!
Murphy reiterated his decision, that he would neither
be accepting my money, nor taking part in my case, and
said to contact his boss .. he gave me the number of
Quadrio Solicitors, the woman who answered the phone
burst into loud laughter, whence I reminded her, that
unless there is inherent humor present, laughter is
the most reliable indicator of insanity.
She had a mood swing .. the proprietor Mr Q came on
line, and assured me that neither would he accept my
lucre, and that I should scrutinize the Queensland Law
List .. before I told him to get ****ed, whence he
hung up the phone!
ITEM: Jim Finch was released from prison and
deported to England in 1988, he had been serving
life imprisonment, for the murder of a young
married woman, an employee of the Whiskey Au Go
Go nightclub, who perished with fourteen other
people, when the place was firebombed in March
He told a television journalist who interviewed
him after his release, that he had indeed bombed
the nightclub, in company with Ian Hamilton,
John Stewart convicted with Finch died in
prison, those who see his body, say his face is
frozen in a mask of horror, Hamilton disappeared
1974, no remains were ever found.
The editor of Port News, a journal that
concentrated as does this journal, on issues
affecting the Docker community, was convicted of
his murder, allegedly becoming the first person
in Crown Law, to be convicted of murder sans
body, sans murder weapon.
Compare this with the McCulken case, Finch said
he bombed the nightclub at the behest of Officer
Murphy, of the Queensland Police ..Port News
warned in 1973, of the Clockwork Orange Gang,
thugs, vassals of corrupt police who provided
such services as were required, the Whiskey
bombing cited as one such service, an earlier
bombing and fire at another valley nightspot,
This journal warns of the One Telephone Call
Murder Company, who do wet jobs for police and
for law firms, filling the void caused by
Clockwork founder, Ian Hamilton's untimely
murder - Zervos, the McCulkens, Batkin, Kay
Chambers victims, O'Dempsy, Glancy, Smith,
Foreman, murderers and grotesque police
corruption, re Detective Shields, Desmond,
Nikola, Hepitch, Hitch, Magnussen, Kajewski,
The Pacific Guardian Incident, the Secretary's
decision .. expelled as scab, Des Noon, Mick
Williams, George Gray, Kerry Beak, expelled scab
officer of the union, John Burke, Bob Mason,
expelled scab Committee of Management, Ian
Bridges, N Brinleigh Williams.
Not guilty scab as officer Ray Winning - Mr
Winning had proven coercion, in that Bob Mason
had threatened his life, all other officers and
members, as of 15 and 18 July 1991, should show
cause why they should not be gazetted as scabs,
in future editions of this journal.
Gazetted as scab Don Burns, he claimed in 1988
that it was for fear of murder, that he
abandoned his responsibility to defend the union
against the depredations of the Smith/Reed/Mason
clique and their political masters, citing the
deaths of Chapman who was his brother in law,
and Batkin as reasons for his decision.
He claimed to be leaving the industry for good,
however once the union was deregistered, he
returned to work at Cairncross Dock, where scabs
rule. Page 8 first published 1995, updated May
2004, November 2011.Page
9 |
The essence of our case
against Isbel, is that she was aware of the Steven
Goldsmith connection, since we had shown her the file,
she remained aware, that the conspiracy extended to the
local law rat community, and had taken advantage of that
fact, to pursue her nefarious agenda .. means she should
be charged with conspiracy!
Then does she know the Kurzbergs, or does she know
anyone who does know them, on the grounds that her
acquisition of this property, is actually part of a
Zionist sponsored money laundering affair.
With links to the Israeli secret service Mossad, thence
he 911 attacks against the United States, whence low
cost rental properties, indeed whole suburbs, are being
"gentrified" at immense cost by Jews, who stole the
money from the American government, who have deserted
the failed modern state of Israel!
Merv Collins had died under aggravated
circumstances, about the same time as Chambers
.. Xenophon Zervos was shot dead, as he was
getting into his car, at his home in the
Brisbane suburb of Holland Park, on the early
morning of March 26 1986.
In 1988, Constable Butler told the Fitzgerald
Inquiry, an inquiry into police malfeasance
formed on the initiative of Bill Gunn, then
Police Minister and Deputy Premier, that Mr.
Zervos was the victim of professional assassins,
recruited from the Dockers Union by police to
murder another policeman, another copper turned
lawyer, Detective Constable Salvatore Di Carlo.
Butler alleges, the murderers went to the wrong
address, and fired on a man whose fate was the
random result of human error, and that Di Carlo
was on the wrong side of his workmates, because
investigations he was proceeding with, were
sensitive and involved a firebombing at a
Fortitude Valley nightclub in 1973, in which
fifteen people died.
Mr. Zervos was it appears, related by marriage
to Salvatore Di Carlo, in which case the plot is
somewhat thicker than it would otherwise have
been, had that not been the case.
Di Carlo's lot has prospered, he has gone from
undercover copper, where his role was allegedly
to infiltrate criminal society, gain the
confidence, and the friendship of any lonely
poor stiff he could, then fix him up with
criminal charges.
Now it's Sammy Di Carlo Barrister at Law, who,
until he instituted a policy of omerta, toward
the jolly old Dockies Union, was quite a source
of knowledge .. Sammy there is a stone in my
shoe about the whole thing, particularly about
threats broadcast re Merv Collins, that Merv was
a stone in somebody's shoe, re the Zervos thing.
Ed: Merv turned up dead, from a highly
suspicious overdose of heroin in 1994 |
Isbel is a totally wretched
woman and a brutal despoiler of the landscape, whose
aura resembles the pool of raw sewage, in situ beneath
the floorboards of my apartment .. picture a capricious,
penis envying woman, who vandalized this place in
vicious reprisal, after I requested the sewage problem
be fixed!

Ana Sofia Henao - Superstar
bikini girl

MT in Vietnam

Tom Burns and the Lota rape .. he
was Leader of the Opposition in the Queensland
Driving along Lytton Rd after
working an overtime shift one Saturday at the
Ampol Oil Refinery on Lytton Island, Tom Burns
was in his work van at the traffic lights near
the Colmslie Hotel.

He was an electrician and I
thought he must have been working overtime, I
saw him the next S'day at the same place, he
looked kinda stressed to see me at the same
lights on consecutive Saturdays, he did not look
like he had been at work.
Still working overtime shifts, the lights were
green the next Saturday when I drove thru, TB
was in his work van on the Wynnum Rd side, he
looked like he had committed a crime - hollow
cheeked and wide eyed - that night on the
evening news, was a report that a thirteen yo
girl had been brutally raped at Lota an
adjoining suburb!

Shortly thereafter Tom Burns was
endorsed by the Australian Labor Party, as
Member for Lytton in the Queensland Parliament.
1982 Leslie Smith then President of the
Queensland Branch of the P&D's Union, said
Peter Beattie then Qld Secretary of the
Australian Labor Party, was blackmailing him,
under the terms of which he had committed
murder, it could be that the murder Smith says
he carried out at the discretion of Peter
Was the same
young woman whom Burns raped in 1972 or
thereabouts at Lota .. Keith Wright later
Federal Member for Capricornia, and like Burns
a former Leader in the Queensland Parliament,
had got twelve years for a similar crime
against a twelve yo girl, maybe the girl from
Lota was "making noises!"
The Case of the Mature Biker..
Man aged sixty two years reported
missing, last seen riding high performance motor
bike in the Brisbane suburb of Hemmant, a
heavily industrialized precinct on the eastern
side of Brisbane, in 1998 or so!

Kevin Rudd
One Saturday afternoon
driving on Lytton Road on a notoriously fast
section, I change lanes to go around a high
performance motor bike going at just two K's over
the 60kph speed limit, when I go round him I take a
look at who would be taking it so easy on such a
powerful machine, and see it is an old guy.

The disappearance occurred in the
Federal electorate of Former Australian PM K.
Rudd, he was last sighted at the lights at the
Hemmant & Tingalpa Road turn off, about two
K's from where I had gone round him on Lytton
Road, according to the news.
Maybe there is a motor bike chop shop down
Hemmant way, and he was lured down there by a
biker who convinced him to visit, who murdered
him for the bike then chopped it and sold it.
Operation Trident, and allegations of police
involvement with organized car theft rings,
then take a look at the facility where stolen
cars are stored after recovery, in the
Brisbane suburb of Buranda.
By the time I got to
the traffic lights whence I was to turn right, I was
about half the length of the straight in front of
him, a scrawny lookin' red haired local boy, done up
in a straw hat and cut down blue overalls was on the
turn off, 'guess he was waitin' for him.
Update: The disappearance of Steven

Brisbane Australia July 2000
evening - Steven Goldsmith is in the supermarket
queue and looks a bit lost, he had come to my
door a couple years before hawking a book of his
poetry, he was with a fellow who was a regular
patron of the local gym, who was a policeman as
far as I knew, who saw me looking and glared.
A couple days
later Goldsmith was reported missing, by a
flat mate who had not seen him for several
days .. In 2006 I contacted Queensland Police
Missing Persons, and told them I had
information re this young man's disappearance,
the woman to whom I was directed said her name
was Clair, then got bitchy and hung up.
Ringing back she would provide no further
information, like her full name and police
rank, when I protested she got bitchy and hung
up again, I went in to Police HQ in Brisbane
the next day and told them I wished to report
a sighting, the police at the desk told me to
get out.

The height of
cynicism.. This poster has recently appeared
in Sydney Street New Farm, adjacent to Mr
Goldsmith's previous residence!
Goldsmith is said, by the Editor @
Rebel News, to have been a Jew .. his
disappearance appears to be ground
work for future charges, that Jews
have been "disappeared," while nobody
gave a good G-d damn becuz they were
Jews! |
Madeleine McCann abduction
breakthru - In the eyes of Sophie Moon
Madeleine McCann was
abducted from Praia Da Luz, Portugal on 3 May 2007

Sophie Moon makes porno
movies in Portugal with Viv Thomas .. We are gonna
say the reflection in the girls eyes, indicate both
shots were taken in the same studio, maybe the VT
ppl should be answering questions!
911 Australia - TerrorGrĂĽppe Kurzberg - The
Lowy Silverstein Pizza Connection
Yaron Shmuel and Sivan
& Paul Kurzberg, who rose to prominence after
being arrested in New York on 911 filming the
attack, in their words to "document the event," had
all been residents of Brisbane Australia!

Shmuel had been a regular sight in the New Farm
shopping precinct thru most of the 1990's, while the
Kurzberg boys moved into Heal Street NF at around
the same time, precocious teenagers on bikes .. see
if they are so precocious when I get 'em onto the
Michael Mukasey pictured at right above, is another
Ziotalmudist terrorist that has recently been seen
in New Farm .. He was the New York Judge who awarded
Larry Silverstein billion$ in insurance payments,
who became US Attorney General in the latter stages
of the GW Bush administration, who endorsed the use
of torture against the same innocent ppl who were
blamed for the 911 attacks
More evidence that
Brisbane has become a haven for international
criminals and a hub for terrorism, remember the Jews
control all security at all airports Australia wide,
they can land plane loads of mercenaries anywhere
they like any time they like!!
Brisbane Murder File:
Murder in Stafford
Saturday morning in
1971, I ran into Mick Comodromus and two girls he
was with, they needed a ride back some kilometers to
take the girls home after a late night.

Driving up Stafford Road I was supposed to turn left
at a set of traffic lights and turned left at the
first intersection instead, then drove past an
unattended Police car parked with its windows down
on the opposite kerb! The girls had told me as soon
as I turned that I was on the wrong road, it was too
narrow to do a U Turn, so I had driven on looking
for somewhere to turn.
Past the police car the road petered out and I
entered a vacant block that appeared to back onto a
creek, someone had placed a row of about eight or
nine light wooden fruit boxes in a semi circle
nearly blocking the way. A Holden sedan was parked
twenty meters to the right, while another Holden
Station Wagon was parked straight ahead by the
A man carrying a
rifle who I recognized as the manager of the
National Hotel, walked up and shot the man
behind the wheel of the Holden Station Wagon
parked by the trees! |
He was a local boy who
had attached transfers right over a previous Holden
Wagon he had, the last time I saw him was in the
Royal George Hotel near here, he told me that he did
not drive that wagon anymore he was a nice guy and
was a bit depressed, I told him that I liked the
transfer job he had done from the minute I saw it!
The time before I had gone to the National Hotel
which was a great place where thousands of
Brisbane's young ppl went, and where marriages often
came about.
Young men were required to wear a tie, and as long
as you were well dressed you could "hire a tie," the
dude that was the manager had a big box of them and
for two bucks you would place one around your neck,
and if you never returned the tie he kept the dough
.. Everybody had a good collection of National Hotel
This night I had a tie on and went in, I knew the
guy and he was the friendliest dude everyone knew,
Police Inspector Tony Murphy was abusing him solidly
as I walked in .. I returned a couple minutes later
and the poor guy was totally stressed out!

File shot of "The Nash"
Teen Girls Murdered near Sydney 1968 -
Parramatta Jail escape -
Melville Schnitzerling
aka Russell "Mad Dog" Cox!!
In 1968 a prisoner
allegedly escaped from Parramatta Prison in New
South Wales by climbing over the wall, the entire
city was on lock down as police scoured the region
in a fruitless search, while the news media went on
about how fit and agile he was..

Melville Schnitzerling aka Russell "Mad Dog" Cox
That was about Wednesday, the following Saturday I
was in an Army vehicle traveling from Liverpool to
Scheyville along the Parramatta Richmond Road ..
after passing two teenage girls riding bikes in the
same direction, and then past a prison work gang
slashing scrub on the left.
A beige Mazda sedan with a family of about four
coming toward us from the other direction, was
flagged down by a man who came out of the trees on
the left side of the road, the Mazda stopped and
presumably the driver told him there was no room in
the car!
Our bus passed the Mazda going toward Parramatta,
and when we drew level to where the man had been
there was no sight of him .. later that day on the
evening news was a report that two girls on bikes
had been murdered on the same road.
We say the prisoner who had allegedly escaped had
after remaining concealed inside the prison, had
mingled with a work gang that was leaving for scrub
clearing, who then absconded when the prison bus
arrived at the site .. we say Schnitzerling /
Cox was the prisoner who had allegedly escaped days
before, that he was man at the side of the road and
that he murdered both girls!
Mushroom Cloud at the
Fukushima Daiichi reactor!

At 1 minute 44
seconds the narrator says that post Earthquake
an explosion disabled the emergency diesel
powered generator, only after that the Tsunami
hit .. Don't it resonate with Willie Rodriguez
testimony that there were explosions at the
WTC before the first air strike! |
The pic shows a
mushroom cloud rising above the Fukushima Daiichi
reactor .. there is no way either a hydrogen
explosion or a meltdown could produce such an
When hydrogen gas
explodes the blast produces a sheet of flame, as the
hydrogen atoms each combine with two oxygen atoms to
produce water, unless the explosion occurs in a
confined space, whence extra material is either
flung around or is set on fire or detonated by the
initial blast, there is no shrapnel and no smoke.

In a nuclear reactor uranium fuel rods that remain
stable in correct storage, are put together to make
a “nuclear pile” which will increase in
temperature exponentially of its own volition,
unless cooled or separated. Sodium is exposed to the
pile which becomes a radioactive liquid, that is
passed thru pipe nests in heat exchangers to heat
2nd batch non radioactive sodium.
That goes thru second round exchangers that heat
water to make steam that drives the Power
Station’s turbines, which turn generators to
produce electricity. In a meltdown the flow of
coolant delivered to the reactor core is
interrupted, which unless the pile is reduced and
the system isolated, becomes a run away or
uncontrolled process that leads to meltdown.
The welds the heat
exchangers get over stressed and crack, makes a soup
of radioactive and non radioactive liquid sodium and
high pressure steam, the resultant explosion reduces
the reactor to wreckage, and releases a cloud of
highly radioactive steam into the atmosphere.

At no time is a
mushroom cloud produced like the one in the
shot .. says there was a missile strike, like
the missile strikes on the WTC and at the
Pentagon on 911. |

Trade Unionists
murdered in Queensland Australia - Vale Norm
Foorde & Mark Redding

Norman Foorde
disappeared in 1979, newspapers of the day said he
was murdered because he 'yapped' too much, re a bank
robbery that had taken place at Murwillumbah in New
South Wales, which was said to have netted several
million dollars.
Keith Briggs
turned up in Brisbane with a union book from
the Melbourne branch of the union, sometime
before 1972, Foorde's last known words were to
other residents of his boarding house, that he
was off to see 'Stewie'. |
The scab Ian Stuart
Bridges, nee Briggs did a heap of time in Pentridge
Prison, while in prison he formed an
acquaintanceship with Foorde, he had ceased by that
time to use the moniker Ian preferring to use his
middle name shortened to Stewie.
When his brother
arrived in Brisbane with a crook union book and a
desire to establish a new identity, he began using
Ian's commonly used name Stewie, changed Briggs to
Bridges thus Stewie Bridges came into being, however
work on the docks was not up his alley so he
returned to his trade which was plumber.
He did not however cease his association with the
union, he was seldom seen in the workplace but was a
daily attendee at the union rooms, as were any union
men that wanted to go to work, and an army of
"outies," non union members who were temporarily
inducted into the union for employment, when all the
union men that wanted to go to work had jobs.
Thus the
scheme was that the union was always kept
under manned, thus trainees called outsiders
shortened to outies, would make up the
shortfall, which meant that any man and his
dog who turned up, no matter what his
background would in his turn go to work, if
he had the will to keep turning up.
No man was ever turned away, or was ever
denied the opportunity to gain honest
employment in this fashion, thus many people
from the prison system or the mental health
system, with little or no training or work
experience, found their way into the
workforce via the docks.
Periodically the union would "open the
books," inducting the most experienced
outsiders into the union, countless men
gained confidence and self esteem in this
way, including oneself..
When Foorde, who was
an outie, disappeared the police questioned Stewie
Bridges, he says he was grilled by then Assistant
Commissioner for Crime Tony Murphy, the same officer
Jim Finch said had persuaded him to bomb the Whisky
Au Go Go night club, he said he knew nothing and was
never charged.
We believe that the Stewie Foorde was off to see was
in fact lan Stuart Briggs, who had arrived at the
docks in Brisbane in the late seventies, unable to
use the name Stewie, his brother had appropriated he
resumed calling himself lan and he too changed
Briggs to Bridges, still known as Stewie by Foorde
The police questioned the wrong brother, it was the
two card trick as well since the yapping that Foorde
did re the Mur'bah bank job was to the police, who
were crooks and who tipped off whomsoever told him,
Ian Bridges it seems.
Suggesting that K. Briggs got wind of what went on
at Mur'bah via his own criminal connections, he
passed that on to his brother, who passed it on to
Foorde, who passed both it and its source ie I
Briggs on to the police, who passed back to Briggs
that Foorde had informed on him, whereupon he passed
down to Foorde that he desired his company, and when
he came over murdered him.
In 2009 we
received phone calls from Arthur Redding's
daughter and from Brian Cosh, a scab former
member of this union, attempting to coerce a
change of policy in relation to the
disappearance of Mark Redding .. Both were put
on notice that they were on the wrong side of
a capital murder investigation, and would be
called as witnesses. |
Mark Redding was
struck by a motorcycle as he was crossing Main
Street Kangaroo Point in about 1981, when he was ten
years old, he suffered severe head injuries which
left his speech slurred and affected his gait,
through the normal course of events he made a third
party claim against the motorcycle's insurer, and
was awarded some seven hundred thousand dollars in
In 1990 Joe Plunkett,
who Ian Bridges had buggered with a broom handle in
1988, in an attack carried out on union premises by
three members of the Union's Steerage Committee,
said Mark, who was his nephew was missing, said he
had not been seen for about a week and was very
Joe said he had
gone into a sports car yard and had priced a
couple of vehicles, then had rung his mother
saying that he wanted to obtain some of his
compensation money to purchase a car, Joe said
no communication had been received since. |
When one stated that
perhaps the young man was with friends since he had
only been gone a few days and it may not be entirely
out of character for him to be a bit sulky,
particularly if his mother had refused to entertain
the notion that he should be buying an expensive
sports car, Joe shook his head.
At work a bit later
one runs into Artie, Joes brother and Marks dad,
with all the very best intentions one asked
questions .. Arthur said that the sports car yard
was no longer the last place Mark was seen, and that
witnesses had seen the young man in company on a
train on the evening of the day he had gone to the
car yard, that he said he proposed to go to a party
with some people he met that day .. A most sinister
development one supposed.
Later maybe a couple of weeks one is working with
Artie again, asking if there was any news, he says
Mark was positively identified by bar staff at a pub
some place in the Four Rivers Shire, half way
between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, that he was in
the company of an older man who was distinguished by
being short, well dressed and well spoken.
One conjectured that
this person was a murderer who had enticed the young
man from the party .. Arthur says maybe not, says
there is a lot of money involved, since once Mark
was declared dead the seven hundred G's would revert
to his care, said the police had told him that he
should get a lawyer, since he was well spoken, well
dressed, below average height and appeared to have a
motive to murder his son, making him the prime
In the union rooms one asked John Burke, who knew
the young fellow well, whether the injuries he
sustained in the accident had a particularly visible
affect, at this point Ian Bridges chimed in
obsequious in his denial that Mark was impaired,
pressing the point one says all the news reports
stated he was severely physically impaired, "no no
no" he says, Burke says he was.
I reckon Bridges
murdered him at his old man's behest. And the
aborted trial for murder of a young man
allegedly in possession of an item of Marks
clothing he apparently found on a river bank,
was a sham organized by crook lawyers in for
their cut of the money. |
Sweeney Todd Brisbane - Go to see
Doctor Peter O'Hara if you wanna finish up dead!
Sweeney Todd was
fictional character who appeared in 18th century
"Penny Dreadful" stories .. A killer barber who
operated in London's Fleet Street, his barber's
chair had a trip switch whence those who went in for
a haircut and shave were dispatched, gutted and
boned before their flesh was baked into pies, to be
sold to an unsuspecting public by a female

So I go to the
doctor, cancerous lesions caused by exposure to
toxic chemical agents during the Vietnam war appear
intermittently .. the broads at the local surgery
caused trouble with their bad manners and flashing
eyes, banned from there and going further afield I
meet Doctor Peter O'Hara, his stable of broads
appear to have a similar mindset with bad manners
going on to filth.
When I get
inside he says that he kills patients, not
real happy with that I stick to details and he
prescribes some stuff to rub on, it does a
pretty good job, since it can only be obtained
with a Doctors Prescription, when I run out
ring back to make another appointment. |
Meeting O'Hara again
in a different location, since the place I last saw
him at South Brisbane went under a meter of water in
the recent floods, he squirts some liquid nitrogen
on a few lesions while I tell him I need some more
of the medicine, he starts to write out the script
then says he is too busy what with patients waiting
and all, says he will make the prescription and send
it out in the mail.
A week later still it had not arrived - Ringing
back, when I tell her that I will bus out there to
get the prescription, the broad who answers the
phone says she will have to make another
The Department of Veterans Affairs agree that the
trouble was caused while on war service and they
have agreed to foot the bill, O'Hara had already
billed them for one visit, whence all I got was
shabby manners on top of the death threat he had
made during the previous visit, I tell her that I
have a problem re his original disclosure that he
kills ppl.
She bursts into loud laughter over the phone .. I
say that maybe he was trying to intimidate me, and
that he is the last person I would wish to see at
any time, except that he has been convicted of
capital murder thence to swing at the gallows. She
hangs up, the lesions have remained untreated and
are still bleeding.
My policy remains to
prosecute all killers, abortioners and euthanasia
specialists under the capital provisions of the law,
would not Peter O'Hara be hanged along with his
accomplices the same way as poor fictional Sweeney

True Australian Crime: The rape
and murder of Judith & Susan Mackay
Brisbane Sunday Mail 5 September 1993
I had been to the police since 1993 re this matter
and told them Bob Foreman was constant in his
boasting that he and no other had committed this
crime, Mr Brown’s solicitor was a woman named Lisa
Contacting her, she said that since Bob Foreman’s
name is not Bob Foreman and we do not know what his
right name is, we obviously are unable to proceed, I
had told her it was the name he used at work,
And had been the name he used as a professional
boxer, that he does not deny that both he and his
car were at the crime scene the day the children
died, and that he fits the description of a man seen
talking to the girls at the school bus stop on the
morning of the day they disappeared.
Nevertheless she
insisted brusquely and with superb woman’s
logic, she would be unable to proceed further
on that point and hung up the phone, when I
contacted his barrister a Mark Donnelly in
Townsville, he pooh poohed it all and then he
hung up the phone. |
The jury in Mr
Brown’s trial threw the crown case out finding him
not guilty, after a petrol station attendant who saw
the girls crying in a car the day they disappeared
in company with a man who stopped to get fuel,
positively stated that Mr Brown was not the driver.

Feedback: Peter
Hansen at the Brisbane Sunday Mail who wrote
the "Union Grass" story above, says that Bob
Foreman rang him saying he did make statements
in the union rooms re the girls, but that I
had misconstrued him! |
In 1978 Bob Foreman
aggressively declared interest regarding the deaths
of Judith and Susan Mackay aged five and seven
years, raped and murdered near Townsville in 1970,
in 1987 in the P&D’s union rooms at Kangaroo
Point in Brisbane he declared he had been questioned
by the police regarding this crime on two separate
A witness had recalled seeing a car subsequently
identified as his, parked unattended on August 26
1970 the day the children disappeared, near where
their bodies were found at Antill Creek midday on
August 28.
Foreman said he told the police he had lent the car
to another man that day who had suffered mechanical
breakdown at that spot, that fellow Foreman said,
had telephoned him from a pub near there telling him
of the breakdown,
He said he walked to the spot and found the car but
not the man, he went to the pub and conversed with
the female bar attendant, claiming he still had not
found the man to whom he had allegedly lent the car,
he said he walked back to the car got it going and
drove away.
In 1987 the day after he told that tale, in the
union rooms in precisely the same circumstances and
in the same company as the previous day, he launched
into the same story.. his face was hideously
contorted and a ghastly light shone from his eyes,
He was thrusting with his pelvis, and hauling with
his arms in a terrible parody of the sex act, he
hooted and hollered and repeated the word tight,
“tight ..whhoo tight,” thrusting and hauling,
“whhoo tight..” one concluded he had done it
Question: Why
did you not go to the police when he first
boasted of the crime in 1978.
Reply: Because it was at work on a union job,
he had been infiltrated into the union for
this very purpose, they were thinning out the
members with murder and would lay baits, then
anyone going to the police would be turned
back into the original source for killing.
I call it the "Two Card Trick," vale union
member Norm Forde, he had “yapped” to the
police re a 1979 multi million dollar bank
heist in Murwillumbah in New South Wales.
He got turned in to the scabs who were the
original source who had infiltrated the union,
the Briggs boys know all about the Mur’bah
job and both use the name Stewie, Foorde’s
last recorded words were that was he was,
"going ’round to Stewie’s place." |
Video: David Icke says - Satanism
and human sacrifice took place at Sandringham
and Balmoral, residences of the British Royals

Ed: More information
Terrorism Alert - Target Brisbane
Australia - 5 March 2011

There could be a
connection here, posters advertising a pop
music spectacular Brisbane Australia 5 March
2011, resemble in every way those that
appeared in Bali Indonesia, whence terror
bombs killed hundreds of civilians 12 October
2002. |
Prinzowhales @ CBS -
Hundreds of posts by the heir to the
throne, all decrying the 911 attacks as a Zion
sponsored False Flag op., and lamenting the
treachery of the entire mainstream political
lobby world wide!

Michelle Obama is a lying racist low life just
like her husband, who despite repeated
opportunities has refused to explain why for
twenty years he remained an officer in a
church based on Cone''s black liberation
theology, which held that if a religion did
not aid in the destruction of the white enemy,
it should be cast aside.
Obama has
sworn fealty to Israel - His campaign
manager Axelrod, is tied to the Israeli
agent Rahm Emmanuel, the Israeli Defence
Force veteran who is a Representative for a
district in Chicago, who ran the
Congressional Election campaign for the
Democrats, and made sure that anti war
candidates didn't get the support from the
Obama's foreign
policy handler Ziggy Brzezinski thought that
America needed a new Pearl Harbor to rally
people to war, he got it on 9-11, when
elements in the Regime and their Israeli
accomplices carried out the false flag
attack on America.
drug-addled wife is the daughter of major
player in the Kemper Marley mob in Arizona,
were major beneficiaries of Prohibition,
Americans enjoy drinking pi*s, almost as
much as standing in the yellow rain. Vote
McCain, Clinton or Obama...Keep a
Rockefeller arse-puppet as your leader.
9-11 was
an inside job! The biggest conspiracy theory
is the official fable of 9-11 in which 19
Arabs who could not fly jetliners, seven of
whom are still living, rammed planes into
the WTC and Pentagon. The FBI has admitted
that they have no case against bin Laden for
9-11...they don''t even want him for it on
their website.
They cleaned up
around the Kennedy assassination...they
cleaned up around the Clintons... around
OKC...These people murdered a police
officer...Officer Yeakey who knew too much
and was looking too closely at the real
perpetrators of the April 19 attack on the
Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
Before World
War I was launched, the bankers needed a
credit mechanism to create the credit
necessary to wage the war...and,
conveniently, they also passed a Income Tax
Amendment to give the power to the banker
regime the ability to tax incomes, to pay
for the ''loans'' that Uncle Sucker would
need to wage war.
Look at the
lowest income earners in America, the bulk
of whose income goes to food, transportation
and housing...the official inflation
figures...like the official story of 9-11,
comes from the same crock of feces...yet
this Regime promotes free trade with nations
whose daily wages are less than the hourly
wages of our workers.
Why are we at
war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why does the
CIA need to try and fly 5.5 tons of cocaine
into the United States? How can you lose 1.7
trillion dollars, as Donald Rumsfeld said
the Pentagon had on September 10, 2001?
You can't help
liking the guy!
The Mountain Meadows Massacre -
Utah Territory 1857

Around 140
Oregon bounders slaughtered by the Mormons
..none of the official accounts mentions the
photographer! |
Scab ship Pacific
The Day of the Scab
The Painters and
Dockers Union, Queensland Branch had
been infiltrated by scabs led by Zionist
Izzy Wyner secretary of the Sydney
Branch, who had brought Lebanese and
Palestinian war criminals fresh from the
killing fields, and inserted them into
Australian's jobs on the docks.
The same
Zionist clique that was then and still is in
control of Australian politics, had via
their control of the press and news
dissemination apparatus, endorsed as Prime
Ministers the scabs Bob Hawke and Paul
Keating, whose 1988 legislation provided de
registration for unions with less than
10,000 members.
The scab clique that was in control in
Brisbane, led by Wyner protege Ray Winning,
had similarly infiltrated scabs into the
union that had been recruited off the
street, or via the prison system or from
other unions, notably the Waterside Workers
Federation and the Seaman's Union of
Australia, who were rewarded as scabs with
jobs, who supported the push within the
union that had surrendered to the Hawke /
Keating legislation, which would effectively
de unionize the docks.
Members Ron
Chapman and Les Batkin both vocal opponents
of de registration, were murdered in 1987
within days of each other during the height
of debate within the union re the future of
the operation, another member was set upon
in the union hall and beaten then raped with
a broom handle, by three of the same scabs
that had been recruited as standover men,
who were from the union's management
Winning drank
and smoked himself to death in 1992, whence
I was elected Secretary of the Queensland
Branch of the Painters and Dockers Union, my
first act was to expel the remainder of the
entire membership as scabs.
They had
worked, on or remained silent or both, after
I had been sacked 15 July 1991, after
refusing to work with a scab Fijian seaman
on the British registered ship Pacific
Guardian, who had been impressed into
service driving a ship's stores hoist, to
complete a job begun by a dockyard crane
driver who was on strike at the behest of
his union.. Bob Mason and John Burke were
scab President and VP, during the scabbing
and murder operations within the union.
Strange Western
Australian satellite images appear to show scalar

America and an Israeli
nuclear 911 - By Gordon Duff, September
15, 2010
Americans sat, on 9/11, with their
military “asleep at the
switch,” their president in a
daze and Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld, perhaps out of
confusion, we may never know,
talking about airliners being shot
down and the Pentagon being
attacked by missiles.
Yes, he said these things, things
he couldn’t “unsay” but
things the press showed once and
quickly buried. Something terribly
wrong happened, something years in
planning, but not planned in a
cave in Afghanistan. Everywhere
investigators look, one thing pops
up, Israel. The moment that door
is opened, it is slammed shut,
often with threats, often with
more than threats.
We may
never know the full extent of
the brutality used against
those who have spoken up. We
know that Arab leaders can be
assassinated anywhere, any
time. America will remain
silent and the news will
always support Israel. Israel
owns the news.
What about the “suicide”
British scientist Dr. David
Kelly, the man responsible for
moving the Israeli nukes out
of South Africa? Reliable
sources tell us he was ready
to come forward with the facts
about a massive political
scandal, a cover-up of lost
nuclear weapons, blackmail and
Do we
really believe that there are so
many unlucky United States
senators? Crashes of small
aircraft has done more to control
the US Senate than any election,
control used to set the stage for
a generation of wars. With AIPAC
capable of buying any election,
capable, willing and doing it, not
an American organization at all
but a lobby for a foreign
One that likes America “not so
much” as we are lead to believe,
is representative government in
the United States dead? When
someone swears an oath to protect
and defend the Constitution of the
United States, is it meaningless
when the government itself is no
longer “American?
Control of America, or, more
appropriately, control of
America’s vast military, tired
and worn as it is, represents the
key to ruling the world. Fooling
the people, buying the government
and duping America’s military
through infiltrating every level
of critical decision making and
communications is a task, not only
attempted but one long since
is, even with, not only control of
the press, but powerful news
organizations directly under
foreign control like Fox News,
word is getting out.
American people are
afraid, they see
disaster coming.
Everyone is waiting to
see what city is
chosen to be
sacrificed, will it be
Phoenix or Sacramento
or perhaps Atlanta?
This is the real fear,
the “not so
secret” fear in the
heart of every
American. When and if
it happens, Americans
are not so willing to
believe a few goat
herds in a cave 8000
miles away planned it,
not anymore,
Why do you think
Senator Lieberman has
demanded a “kill
switch” on the
internet? Why do you
think “censorship
czar” Cass Sunstein
has asked to have
accusations of Israeli
complicity in 9/11
made a criminal act
and openly advocated
infiltration of groups
pushing for an honest
investigation. Who is
the real “conspiracy
theorist” now?
thousands of of military and
intelligence officials, retirees
openly, others hiding their rage,
aware of the decades of Israeli
spying and the 9/11 cover-up, this
divide has never been so strong.
What we don’t know is how many
serving today have the personal
courage to speak out openly. Now
the threat is nuclear weapons, not
just a “shoebox dirty bomb”
but full sized nukes,
The weapons we have been hunting
for years, claiming Saddam was
prepared to use them “at 45
minutes notice,” the same nukes
“sent to Syria by ambulance.”
They could be anywhere and anyone
could be ready to use one. There
is only one possible culprit
capable of doing this, however,
only one country with something to
gain and the willingness to act.
We have hundreds of nuclear
warheads and missiles that can
reach different targets in the
heart of the European continent,
including beyond the borders of
Rome, the Italian capital… our
armed forces, however, are not the
thirtieth strongest in the world,
but rather the second or third. We
have the capability to take the
world down with us. Israeli
military historian, Martin van
Today, America may be facing the
nuclear holocaust Creveld
describes and there is no reason
to trust that our military,
intelligence and law enforcement,
the dozens of agencies, bureaus
and commands tasked with defending
America are willing to do so if
the attack comes from Israel.
fact, some leaders, even a former
head of the Department of Homeland
Security, could be on a list of
those that might be one of the
America’s greatest terrorist
threats.. how can perceptions
differ so much?

Morons or "Masters of the
If perceptions are based on
information and that information
is pure propaganda, consistent,
continual and skillfully
presented, not only in news
format, reinforced in movies,
television series and anyone
publicly questioning the
“message “is attacked and
destroyed, and they are,
perceptions can be assumed to be
Thus, the general basis for the
public’s ideas about who Israel
is, what Zionism advocates and
what Islam is really about will be
unreliable. When you add control
of universities, all academic
publishing and even total
disruption of free speech, the
most extreme ideas can be accepted
as fact. They have been.
A substantial evidentiary trail
exists that places Israel’s
possible involvement in 9/11 on
the table, with dozens of suspects
questioned, and more and more of
the “facts” about 9/11 now
proving, as with the Kennedy
assassinations, to be lies.
theories, not
“conspiracy” tell
us that 9/11 was
planned to get America
to attack Iraq, part
of Israel’s long
term strategy for the
region, leaving them,
not only the only
nuclear power, but an
armed aggressor afloat
in a sea of broken
nations occupied by
American troops,
troops who take orders
from politicians who
take orders from
Israel. |
after the massive Bush
administration blunders in Iraq
and Afghanistan and the virtual
destruction of a military
incapable of sustaining a decade
long war, the planned Israeli
attack using American troops,
again, isn’t moving forward as
we all know it was planned to.
This time, after America was so
badly burned, pushed by the Bush
security team, almost all Israeli
citizens, many of them still
around, running America for Obama,
into two insane “Vietnams” it
will take more than 3000 murders.
With the “duping of America”
over 9/11 coming unraveled,
something horrendous is in the
planning. There is an obvious next
step and it has to be nuclear.
Anything less would bring an
outcry against Israel immediately.
Only the “unthinkable”
combined with a strong public
relations campaign and a cover
story with a “do it yourself”
terrorist group, like so many of
the “just add water” terrorist
organizations the Mossad has
organized for just such an
occasion, will sell the lie, this
and the press, not just in America
but the other real voice of
Israel, the BBC.
The stories about the mobile labs,
the “yellow cake” uranium were
lies, pap fed to a willing and
complicit press. However, the
threats are real but how does
America protect herself when those
tasked with that duty turn a blind
eye to the biggest threat. In
1967, Israel was allowed to kill
or wound 201 of 296 Americans on
the USS Liberty.
Surviving crewmen are still
threatened by Israeli security for
speaking up, as Philip Tourney and
his wife will gladly tell you.
Captain McGonagle, who won the
Medal of Honor working to save his
crew from hours of brutal attacks,
cried out for justice to his dying
day. The American military stood
silent as it did on 9/11, as it
did on that day in 1967 and as it
may have done many times since.
among America’s
military in 1967,
those willing to send
the planes from the
carrier Forrestal to
bomb Egypt on behalf
of Israel received the
thanks of a grateful
nation. Too bad that
nation was not the
United States of
America. |
will never know for sure, what
secrets are stolen, what weapons
given, what enemies aided, what
American interests betrayed. With
dozens of organizations demanding
9/11 be investigated and the
lowest estimate of those who no
longer believe the cover story at
30%, not a single active duty
military officer,
Not one member of congress nor a
single member of the mainstream
press has said a word about it.
How can thousands of prominent
Americans demand that their
country begin defending itself and
it be covered up? Who has that
America has lost at least 6
nuclear weapons since 1990, maybe
more, not Russia or some
“breakaway republic,” once
part of the Soviet Union. 3 were
American hydrogen bombs off
Somalia, no longer usable but with
enough plutonium in them to build
many fission weapons. 3 more were
part of 9 produced by Israel in
South Africa back in the 80s, all
supposedly sent to America for
Three of the containers were
filled with concrete blocks. They
had been consigned to “friends
of Israel” for shipment and were
stolen from an unguarded facility
in Oman after having been
abandoned for months. This would
be a wild claim if we hadn’t
interviewed those involved in the
project and been made privy to a
well documented and detailed
history of the operation.
nukes have only one
purpose, to be used in
a terrorist attack on
the United States, a
“false flag”
attack, to drive
America to attack Iran
and Pakistan.
many loyal Americans, FBI,
Homeland Security and other
agencies are searching the nation,
warehouses, ports, looking for the
blue 20 foot shipping containers?
How many “dual citizens” are
tasked with some other purpose?
Are our “protectors” really
“ours” or do they work for the
same pack that bought our
congress? Will we find out when a
mushroom cloud appears over one of
our cities?
Today, America is facing the
biggest threat since World War 2.
Nothing will be in the news,
nothing will ever be in the news,
not the truth anyway. When it
happens, the news will be ready,
like on 9/11 when it was called on
to talk Arabs and box cutters, a
childish conspiracy theory
millions still believe.
It was ready to talk weapons of
mass destruction and when that
turned out to be a lie, it was
ready to sit silent for its
complicity in war crimes. “War
crimes” seems like a harsh term
but the definition fits. Invading
Iraq on, not a whim, but a series
of lies orchestrated by a criminal
conspiracy is a war crime.
obvious to many, the takeover
of Afghanistan as a drug
production facility or a base
for destabilizing Pakistan or
an operation center for gas
pipelines, whichever reason
you choose, was justified by
lies as serious as those used
to justify Iraq.
For those who
follow such
things, real
leaks are
proving two
[*]Osama bin
Laden never
working for
the Central
Agency and
[*]Bin Laden
was murdered
to silence him
after 9/11
just as Benzir
Bhutto was
murdered to
silence her.
news never reaches America, news
that shows terrorism, corporate
banditry and the biggest drug
cartel in history, tied to
American allies, some Muslim but
one worse than all combined,
Israel. Even today, the mythology
of “threatened” Israel and the
rockets raining down on their
cities, all imagination, is still
believed by many in our military.
When 9/11 came, be it radio
controlled planes, missiles,
controlled demolition, our
military was on “stand down,”
ordered to let the attacks move
forward and then roll across the
Middle East, an Army hijacked by
Israel to help them start their
long planned world conquest.
Today, America basks in defeat and
humiliation and Israel laughs.

We have continual debates about
religion in the military. Should
Christian sects be able to force
troops to prayer? Is America a
Christian nation, is this what the
founding fathers meant? What if,
lets say, these sects were not
loyal to the United States but
rather constituted a national
What if their power in the
military was that great, part of a
systematic infiltration of the
military through an extremist
take-over of the chaplain’s
services and eventually admissions
and curriculum of the service
academies themselves? What else
could explain the total silence we
have seen when torture,
kidnapping, illegal invasions and
“stand downs” to allow
terrorist attacks are the norm.
Those in the military that feel,
as Christians, they are tied to
Israel, have lost their minds.
Islam and Judaism are much closer
than Christianity and Judaism.
With the advent of the trinity,
both Jews and Muslims see
Christians as, not only
polytheistic, worshiping 3 gods,
not one, but idolaters as well. To
both Jews and Muslims, these
issues alone are enough to make
Christianity an enemy.
Islam, a
religion totally based on
Judaism, an Abrahamic faith,
built on the foundation of
the books of Moses, sees
itself as a reform movement
stressing moral values as
outlined in the Koran and
the teachings of the
prophet, Mohammad (peace be
on him). |
To a
Christian with a real education, the
struggle between the Jews and
Muslims is a “family matter.”
Jews are the beloved children of
Islam who have yet to accept the
reforms that defined the true
religion. We must remember, without
Judaism and g-d’s covenant with
Israel, there would be no Islam.
is seen as a Hellenistic
bastardization of biblical
teachings watered down to sell to
the pagan Roman empire. You
won’t hear it, not publicly, but
it is exactly what is taught to
every student, Jew, Muslim, this
is their belief.
Muslims have “jihad” and Jews
were chosen by g-d to rule the
world. 90% of the most serious
accusations each makes of the
other are, actually, part of the
religion of both, only Jews are
much better at public relations.
After all, they own 90% of the
world’s media, print, broadcast,
even much of the internet.
How do we
trust military leaders who
don’t know that
“goyim” means
“cattle?” If you are
“cattle” and you believe
those who see you as such
are your best friends, you
are not dealing with
reality. Perhaps we should
teach The Scorpion and the
Toad at West Point. This
should be the start of the
first day’s lecture on
America’s Strategic
Security in the 21st
scorpion, in the
course of a long
journey, encounters a
river. The scorpion
cannot swim and so he
is momentarily stymied
until he spies the
toad, on the opposite
river bank.
“Toad!” the
scorpion calls out,
“will you please let
me ride on your back
to the other side of
the river because, you
see, I cannot swim.”
No way,” replied the
toad, “if I let you
ride on my back you
will sting me!” To
which the scorpion
replied, “But if I
am riding on your back
and I sting you then
we will both die
because I cannot
swim.” After
thinking on it for a
moment or two the toad
agrees, swims over to
the opposite bank of
the river where the
scorpion jumps onto
his back and he turns
to swim to the other
When the toad, with
the scorpion riding on
his back, gets to the
middle of the river,
the scorpion stings
him. “Scorpion!”
Exclaimed the toad,
“Why did you sting
me? Now we both die..
Because it is in my
nature.” Was the
scorpion’s response.
we be sick of watching our
troops walk through poppy
fields, knowing the heroin
being produced is destroying
the United States, filling
our prisons but, at the same
time, filling the pockets
of, well who? Who is getting
a cut of the $65 billion
dollars a year earned from
the partnership in
is the money end, the CIA does
transportation, the Afghan
government runs production, but
who does distribution? Do the
planes really land on military
bases? We have already found bales
of cash leaving Afghanistan
heading for Dubai.
This is only a small part of the
money involved. It is this money,
combined with the billions we give
Israel, the billions they take out
of the American economy through
control of the Federal Reserve
System (a quasi-governmental
scheme of banks with Rothschild
lineage that control America) that
makes it impossible to get honest
news, elect honest politicians and
even trust our own military.
In fact, a large majority of
Americans openly admit, on every
opinion poll, that they don’t
trust our congress, our president
or any American institution.
Nobody asks them why. Would they
know? Is it because a foreign
country controls our banks, our
news, our congress, our military ,
our foreign policy? Is it because
the only reason politics exist in
America is so the greedy can line
up at the trough, not caring who
is pouring the slop, as long as
they get theirs first.
No American has a clue where
President Obama came from. Many
believe he is foreign born, many
more think he is Muslim and some
believe he is a space alien. In
250 years, documents will be
declassified that will either
prove or disprove that former
President Bush belonged in prison,
not the White House, guilty of,
not AWOL (absent without leave)
but desertion during wartime.
There is no
reasonable doubt of his
guilt, only that he used his
power to prevent arrest and
prosecution. After 9/11, no
more questions were asked,
and no more witness had to
receive new homes, fat
government jobs or have
mysterious heart attacks. |
For the
Bush years, it was made clear that a
military career had to be built on
loyalty to Israel, even though their
nuclear arsenal and their ethnic
cleansing of Palestine are the root
of every conflict confronting
America today. There is no military
alliance with Israel. America has no
potential enemies. In fact, every
nation in the region is either
controlled by the United States,
occupied or frightened to death.
Iran trying to stand against America
is the equivalent of Denmark
standing against Hitler’s
blitzkrieg. The view of the state of
affairs taught our military is
childishly stupid. How many of our
military leaders are childishly
stupid also?
Ed: Aticle
reproduced in the interests of public
Islam for Singles
My grandmother
told me I was a Jew, my parents said I was a
Catholic .. I looked around for something else
and took up with Islam, at about age thirty
two, thirty two years ago. |

Hitler in Argentina
Nukes at the WTC on
A missile struck
the WTC moments after the air strike on the
South Tower, however a gif animation titled
the Japanese Object and the lack of smoke, or
any plume of dust on the NY skyline at the
appropriate time, muddied the waters!
Looks like he never
died in the Feuhrer Bunker in Berlin in 1945 after

An outdoor market
with St. Peter’s Church, Munich - Adolph Hitler

See the figure lower
left as H dancing in the street, adjacent to the
gate of Auschwitz.
Shotgun and
Standover - by James Morton & Russell
The Story of
the Painters and Dockers

Before he
turned to writing full time, James Morton
was a London lawyer specializing in criminal
defense work, he is the author of over
thirty books dealing mainly with organized
crime. Russell Robinson is an award winning
investigative reporter at the Herald Sun,
Ed: James
Morton says in his book Dangerous to Know,
"Xenophon Zervos - Brisbane Painter and
Docker shot dead 26 March 1986," which is a
mixture of truth and fiction, since Mr
Zervos was indeed shot dead, however he was
in fact a Brisbane restaurateur!
Morton came
here in 2009 after Robinson rang and
arranged for a telephone interview, we told
him of the struggle that was underway on the
docks, and gave him a copy of the 2001 Union
Journal, below is what we had to say about
Xenophon Zervos..
Item: Xenophon
Zervos was shot dead as he was getting into
his car at his home in the Brisbane suburb
of Holland Park, on the early morning of
March 26 1986, in 1988 Constable Butler told
the Fitzgerald Inquiry, an inquiry into
police malfeasance formed on the initiative
of Bill Gunn, then Police Minister and
Deputy Premier.
That Mr. Zervos was the victim of
professional assassins, recruited from the
Dockers Union by police to murder another
policeman, a Detective Constable Salvatore
Di Carlo, Butler alleges the murderers went
to the wrong address, and fired on a man
whose fate was the random result of human
And that Di Carlo was on the wrong side of
his workmates, because investigations he was
proceeding with were sensitive, and involved
a firebombing at a Fortitude Valley
nightclub in 1973 in which fifteen people
Mr. Zervos was it appears, related by
marriage to Salvatore Di Carlo, in which
case the plot is somewhat thicker than it
would otherwise have been, had that not been
the case.
Di Carlo's lot has prospered, he has gone
from undercover copper, where his role was
allegedly to infiltrate criminal society,
gain the confidence and the friendship of
any lonely poor stiff he could, then fix him
up with criminal charges.
Now it's Sammy
Di Carlo Barrister at Law, who, until he
instituted a policy of omerta toward the
jolly old Dockies Union, was quite a source
of knowledge.
Sammy there is a stone in my shoe about the
whole thing, particularly about threats
broadcast re Merv Collins, that Merv was a
stone in somebody's shoe re the Zervos
Ed: Merv turned
up dead from a highly suspicious overdose of
heroin in 1994, for the fact that Morton
decided to change things around, surely
leaves him open to be prosecuted as a false
witness in the matter of a capital murder

Calling for
President Obama to be prosecuted as a capital
offender is not a threat, it is because of his
lack of response to hard evidence that the
Jews, including his chief of staff Rahm
Emmanuel, are heavily implicated in both the
planning and execution of the 911 attacks, and
the subsequent cover up.
No threats at all, and since it is drone
attack aircraft under his orders, that are
carrying out terror attacks in Pakistan and
Afghanistan etccc, in supposed response to the
911 attacks, the Jews and the Jew press blamed
on Osama bin Laden,
He is perpetrating massive war crimes against
innocent ppl, sure he should be hanged ..only
after a fair trial, since we don't know
everything, maybe his dog is being held
hostage by Zionist terrorists!
Could be that Barak Obama is under duress in
which case he could be found not guilty, that
is why there has to be trials, else in the
future charges be made that executions were
carried out before the condemned got a fair
hearing! |
The most shameful
act on a day of shame

The image above was taken by NYPD helo pilot
Detective Greg Semendinger on September 11 2001,
there is at least one person in the pic right at the
corner out of the smoke, whoever it was must have
died cursing the NYPD for not attempting his or her
The 911 Tourist Guy
- 62,000 Jews absent from the WTC on the day!
The 911 Tourist Guy
remains unaccounted for, and sometimes I get the
feelin' that it is him at the corner!
How could a helicopter have gotten close
enough .. all the smoke? |

The downdraft from the rotors would have cleared the
smoke sufficiently to carry out a rescue, check the
following exhortation in the Talmud.. Choschen Hamm:
"Therefore, if you see a Christian in difficulty or
drowning, do not go to his help, and if he is in
danger of death, do not save him."
The lack of effort could simply have been Jews
responding to the mores of Judah, as for Semendinger
it will be up to a Grand Jury whether he is
prosecuted as a capital offender for making no
effort to save them, my view is that he is,
His arrest should be at the Precinct House, where
the rest of New York's foulest in situ will be
required to disarm, while any that don't will be
regarded as enemy combatants!
The United
States has reportedly initiated a
targeted killing program, under which
the CIA and the military have the
authority to hunt and kill individuals,
including US citizens, anywhere in the

The President
has, in effect, claimed the unchecked
authority to put the names of citizens and
others on "kill lists" on the basis of a
secret determination, based on secret
evidence, that a person meets a secret
definition of the enemy.
The program
operates without any checks and balances;
all of the essential details about the
program remain secret. We do not know what
criteria are used to put people on the "kill
lists" maintained by the CIA and military,
how much evidence is required to add a
person to the lists, or whether there are
any geographical limits on where individuals
can be targeted.
Editorial: In
cloud cuckoo land one might simply receive
an assurance from ones local member, thence
the Government, that the US - thence Israeli
- kill teams are not operating in
Australia.. The murder of Katherine
Schweitzer in Sydney in December 2006 gives
lie to that!
The 2006
murder of Katherine Schweitzer in Sydney
She was a
Hungarian Jew, the only survivor of a family
of fourteen that was deported from Budapest
to Auschwitz in 1944, she went public on the
television show Australian 60 Minutes in an
interview with Richard Carleton, that the
Jew who arrested her and her family had
taken up residence on the same Sydney
Her story went
world wide on an email we sent to around
five thousand addresses, including the
entire membership of both houses of the
Australian Parliament, and the Israeli
Knesset, 30 November 2006, her body was
discovered in a wheely bin inside her high
security Sydney apartment 28 December 2006!
We say that she
was murdered by Jew elements in reprisal for
telling the truth, and to warn any other
Jews who want the truth to come out just
what the consequences will be.
In late May, investigative journalist Wayne
Madsen had a bombshell revelation about
Obama’s membership in a Chicago gay man’s
club, Madsen also reported on the
Sociopath’s sexual relationships with other

Including politicians and Donald Young, the
openly gay choir director of Jeremy Wright’s
Trinity United Church of Christ black
liberation theology, of which Obama was a
member for some 20 years, who was murdered
December 24, 2007.
A Cruise Missile
Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911

Looks like the cruiser had a device that homed in on
the laser spot!
The official
story is that a deranged Arab crashed a Boeing
757 into the building, at the behest of CIA
asset Osama bin Laden. |
Prosecute abortion
under the capital provisions of Islamic law
Abortion has
devastated Canada, the US, Europe and Australia,
immigrants whose allegiance is not to the host
nation, but to the foreign culture from which they
came, have been brought into those same abortion
devastated countries to make up the numbers.
This trade union
website is all about bringing to justice, whomsoever
conspired then committed the crimes, that left the
bodies of these young children in a plastic rubbish
That means putting to
death, by legal judicial process the entire abortion
lobby, since Australian thence statute law is
powerless, we intend that prosecutions be brought
under the capital provisions of Islamic Law.

MT meets the Don -
Child prostitution and the police

You have only my word for it boys and girls ..its
A pot smokers tale
assassination - who's who on the Grassy Knoll
Wanker runs school for
scabs in Gove
Click to enlarge
Looters Beware
- Touch One Touch All, is the motto of the
Painters and Dockers Union - Read on CFMEU!
Strife at Incitec

Trouble in Mackay and at
Newlands Mine

Racism and fracas at the
Seoul Supermarket

The Oracle of the
Tao - The single coin method
The I Ching or
the Oracle of the Tao, can arrange the fall of
a coin and communicates to man at its
discretion.. cast one coin only it should fall
on a pliant surface to prevent bounce, Heads
means No - Tails means Yes. |
The murder of Hoera
Te Kooti
Aged 62 years of the
seafaring Moldi people of New Zealand, he left the
Prince of Wales Hotel in Ipswich west of Brisbane,
Queensland, at 11.20pm on the evening of Friday
April 1 1999.
After crossing the
street he was attacked by a group of aboriginal
teenagers numbering fifteen strong, and bashed with
a fence paling, security camera footage shows black
hands going thru his pockets as he lay motionless on
the ground.
April 9 1999 AAP - Five males aged from 14 to 17,
appeared in court over the fatal bashing, the five
would face more than 50 charges in the Ipswich
Magistrates Court including murder, serious assault
and assault and robbery, police would oppose bail.
April 12 2000 AAP: One only went to court, a 16 year
old who was found not guilty of manslaughter by a
Supreme Court jury, he was seen in Ipswich a few
days after the trial, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned
with Murder 1. highbeam.com ..I want to hang the lot
at the same location the crime took place, alongside
the lawyers and judges who let them walk free!